Hmmmmm off topic not to mention completely wrong much? Was it not you asking members to stay on topic and asking me to remove my head from rear when you thought i was veering of topic?
1. Players attack us despite our health number often and your wrong on that one
2. Larry brings down and kills his own targets just like the rest of our friends. Some times if we are doing ok ourselves and a friend is under heavy attack we will help them out (especially if being teamed up on by known enemies
), because thats what friends are for. If you are against that...your either lying or a really crappy friend.
3.You ranked that not considered high? Are u not included in "all others that would like to rank high"?
4.As stated previously.....we dont always kill snipers....we often timesuse them to our advantage...its called strategy. So wrong again!
5. Its very rare we tag team anyone, its normally only when they go into D stance near the ensd of the arena, you should know this as well as
6. By removing the notification who has a better chance of ranking high...the sniper? Lol....think up that one on your own did ya? No kidding they would stand a better chance, the question is...why do they deserve a better chance for doing less? How is that strategy more viable than any other? Should there not be risk involved by all parties? What u suggest in that the players that actuall take the tme, effort and stamina to bring down the target should have all the risk while the sniper has none....selfish much? Heres a about not snipling kills and finding your own if u dont wanna have your name revealed. There are a few ways to tell if an opponent is being attacked. u yourself said that u pulled off targets knowing they were being hit....whats the problem? Sounds like a good strategy to me if I were in your position.
7. Will u please show me where where Kano said anything close to "This is also what KANO wanted to happen, smaller accounts having a really fair chance to rank high."? I assure u thety said nothing even close. I think if players in this thread went back and actually read what Kano said their intentions for the arena were....we could clear up a few things.
8. So u want to level the playing that in the arena as well as the regular game? Either way.....would be cool if I started a new account and the following day I joined the arena and whooped you? You want an even playing field right? What ever youve done with your account in all the time youve played should make zero difference? Sorry....Im just not down with that and to be honest I dont think u are either, what u want is to eliminate a strategy that just doesnt happen to work for you and your selfish enough to not care how it will affect others....BRAVO!
9.Nothing in your post would be better for Kano....PERIOD!
10. From the very first arena to the last... participation numbers have remained pretty I dont see that there has been any mass exodus by players who are unhappy. In fact....this last arena while being on the low end of the average as far as participation numbers....was by far the most active. arena to date
Last edited: Jan 14, 2013