The idea of multiple arenas has been brought up many times in other threads and posts, the idea just hasnt seemed to have caught on. I havent seen any insults "start flying" because someone brings up an idea for the lower levels. In fact it appears to be the exact opposite as some seem to not like the fact that higher levels are winning more often than not. Your initial response to my comments were clearly not objective. I believe my comments are as objective as they get, as previously stated we play multiple games on both platforms and have accounts that range from very low to some of the highest in the games, further more...we have played since the early beginnings of Kano as well as started over well after most of the major game changes had been made. Personally I think that makes us not only knowledgeable but unbiased, objective and with a true hope for fairness spanning all levels. Pleas dont mistake my statement of "fairness" as wanting to level the playing field, clearly higher levels should trounce on lower level as they have worked and earned the right to do so. Lower levels just need to work harder and use more strategy...just like we had to and still continue to have to in many of our games. Its just how it works....nobody should just be able to sign up one day and be beating the snot out of the highest of levels the next. The games are set up in such a way...not to mention that late coming updates have all but insured that the lower levels of today will catch and surpass the older high level accounts as long as they have a similar dedication.
Yes, i clearly understand why someone would not want the name of the snipers to be shown. But in my opinion it would make the risk one sided and be anything but fair. As stated previously....A player who uses hundreds of stamina and invests a large portion of their health into bringing down a high health target is taking a huge risk and potentially jeopardizing their stay in the arena because there is always the chance their kill might be stolen. Why shouldn't a player who employs the sniping strategy have risk as well? You dont see this as being one sided or as a bias toward a particular strategy?
The reality is...whether the arena lasts 6 hrs or 3 days most players can not or will not dedicate that much time to an arena, the same holds true for why some players are much higher levels than others. So Yes....the highest of levels win more often, obviously they are stronger and have more experience, but they also are obviously willing to dedicate the time, in the end thats gonna win out 9 outta 10 times.
I may toss in a slight jab here an there, but who doesnt? If you are reading my words in this thread as insulting or condescending than you have misinterpreted my words. I choose to speak matter of factly based on knowledge and experience both here in the forums and in all of kano's games, if that comes across as surly that is definitely unfortunate as its not my intent, but it certainly does not warrant an apology as my intentions are always to make the games better for everyone
Last edited: Jan 13, 2013