[All] Daily Gamer Points for Fights\Battles in Wars

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by James The App Guy, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    It takes me half the day to get mine in on Armor (unless I buckle & hit undead), unlike when I used to be on FB, where it was much easier.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    It isn't all that easy on FB I have two maybe three people in my range ,one is new due to this raid event,but eventually they surface and I get them done,and of course I usually have some nitwits on my rival list lol I detest using the undead,once in awhile I have to ,I rather use them to gauge myself against a few players to see where I stand,that IMO is all they are good for :)
    Chasity likes this.
  3. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    First off, if you play smart to do your DGP's, you can get them done in less than two minutes. I kid you not, it can be done. I even wrote an article for my armada members years ago about doing them quickly. :)
    One thing I will tell you is you only need to hit 18-19 undead, depending on your level to get your battles in. Why the undead??? So you aren't being disturbed by anyone generally, when you are working quickly to get them done. Afterwards, go ahead and fight live pirates all you please. But if you are going for that 1st place on the armada leader board, it is best to do the undead for your DGP's.

    In response to Mark14's comment..." How is this possible? Even if you lose every fight you only need 34 attacks I think. Don't know how much undead you can attack on the server you play but I just checked on FB. After 1 attack it said I have 95 more to go."
    What that means Mark14, is that you can hit 95 more undead before you lose the ability to attack them. You normally get a good number, depending again on your level and how many you have attacked for the day.

    In response to the original post on this thread, I see no reason to change how we get DGP's. It's easy enough if you are willing to save enough energy and stamina to do what little needs to be done to complete them. 3 current adventures, 18-19 battles, for help - collecting gifts or helping on someone's adventure or treasure hunt, or even help on a boss. If you do a Boss help, it doubles as boss attacks and help GP's. Kano can't make this much easier for people. :)
  4. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    That's clear but what I didn't understand is how someone can not get daily GP by attacking undead (quote: "there are times when I have over hit the undead and had noone to get gps on"). By the time I would reach 95 attacks I would have my GP for the day because I only need 17 wins or 34 lost fights (if it's the same as alive targets). That's why I asked how many undead can be attacked on his server. Or maybe attacking undead doesn't reset when new gamer day starts?
  5. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    If someone is utilizing all of their undead during a 24 hour playing period, then it will take longer to reset. I don't think they reset when the new gamer day starts. Mi7ch can tell you on that as I haven't ever paid that much attention to it. I think the 24 hour period is from when they first attacked their undead. The undead amounts you can attack are going to be the same on every server. Those undead just keep recycling since you can't kill them. Like I said before, you only need 18-19 wins or losses even, to get your DGP's done. The amount needed to complete will be less for a lower level. If someone has done 95 attacks on the undead, then the undead are the only people they are battling and they are not understanding that just because they are there, doesn't mean you have to hit them for anything other than the necessary DGP's if you so choose or have no other choice.
    Kirsten likes this.
  6. And when you attack the dead - they don't know you've attacked them either yet you still get the points - so using it as a reason to not include the wars where people don't know who it was that attacked them doesn't make sense.

    But as always - I look forward to each of your responses - they make people think.
  7. Lucifer

    Lucifer Active Member

    Unless you play on kong, there are no dead in my battle list, no one within my range so i have to drop a clan member & do other things till they show up in my battle list.
    Chasity likes this.
  8. Thankfully, one of the guys I rent our house with I got into playing the games on Kong (at least part time), so when either of us needs to get our daily fight GPs, we just set up a time to fight each other to get them. We drop each other to fight & then add each other because neither of us can afford to not have the other as a player - neither of us have the full 1000 real people.

    Personally, the only reason I even try to get all my daily GPs is from being in a Syndicate, Guild, or Armada that I'm in that expects all the members to get them done. In games that isn't a factor... I could care less if I get any GPs in any category.
    Chasity likes this.
  9. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Get listed LOL, problem solved ;)
    Kirsten likes this.
  10. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I also am not interested in wars for pretty much the same reason it is not a true fight cause ya fight as a team and ya have no idea who you are attacking, I like to just play one on one if I lose oh well, I will not continue attacking, if I can win watch out
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Personally the reason I do them is cause they are there , I remember when they weren't , never been a fan of them , I have seen friends get all bent out of shape when someone in their group fails to get them I have seen people make alts just to get them , I do them for me and no one else
  12. Lucifer

    Lucifer Active Member

    Now that is a funny one! You play over there & know no one hardly plays there, so if I did stay on that app for a few hours & finally made the only 2 players that live on that app mad enough to list me? I still would have no targets because no one plays there - unless some of my clan drop me & I go after them, if I did that? even more would quit that app.
    Chasity likes this.
  13. Don off sorrow

    Don off sorrow Active Member

    just killlllll and be killled ;p
    Kirsten likes this.
  14. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    i still don't understand this. so you're mobbed up with ALL of the active players in your level range and don't have enough to attack each day for points? i suppose that could happen on the newer platforms, but i've never run into this myself on kong.
  15. Lucifer

    Lucifer Active Member

    I am a higher level on kong & have only one clan member in my range so I have no one to attack for daily's, nothing to understand, no one plays on kong/armor v/c. As far as active players? less than 100 real players even play, most do not even have full clan or ever will by the looks of it.
  16. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    sounds like a raid leveler that has gotten himself to the point where there is nothing left to do, but i may be wrong.
    Kirsten likes this.
  17. Lucifer

    Lucifer Active Member

    You would be wrong, iv hardly played for over a year, what part of no one plays on kong/armor v/c do you not understand?
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    So come to FB where there are plenty of people,I for one cannot wrap my head around why anyone would play a game on a non social network, didn't My space teach anyone that yet, ??
  19. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Kong and Armor still exists. Are they robots still over there. All i ever heard was nothing but bots and scripts. But then again i did hear one of our favorite players went there after being banned from the fb platform.
    Kirsten likes this.
  20. Lucifer

    Lucifer Active Member

    Lol! you're right about that! & yeah I know who you're talking about, that guild goes thru accts weekly over there, only time we get new blood is when guild wars start, a few guilds are always full, funny stuff!

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