counter attacks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ParashuramaBloodAxeLegend, Apr 19, 2011.



  1. YES

  2. NO

  1. no must be pimp or jillian but look its a wrong vote this time hahaha dam it this is funny :D
  2. and para ive made polls that got majority votes that some of my ideas should happen but guess what...they never did.what makes you think this is going to?

    not sure but i would think its against rules having more than 1 forum account
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

  4. hi Satanist i made poll to see what you think .. :p
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

  6. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Just concerning the Question of building a character.

    The game was, when I started, an army-versus-army kind of game. The Viking had no big influence on the game.

    Now it is more of a Player-versus-Player game. So basically, everyone that built for AvA is now pretty much doomed. Especially when returning after longer absence. They missed all the changes to the game and are now pretty much working on catching up.

    These players might have done great in the AvA times, but now they get butchered.

    And yes, the game favors a certain type of build. The low-health Glass Cannon Chainer. 5k health, ever-increasing attack and stam and 1000 Energy. No one will be able to stop you.

    I know so, cause I built exactly such a Viking on FB.

    And there is only one defense against my build, a Brick Wall with insane defense that neglects attack. And a Brick Wall often can't really move, as they can't beat most players with adequate defense. They need players with low def as enemies.

    So yes, there needs to be a way to defend against this build. And failing counters are a rather good way.

    I think the suggestion of several types of counters is a great one, but it would make attacking rather complex, maybe a bit too complex for a free game.

    Maybe setting a limit on how many counters you can use on a person in a row, before there is a 24-hour cooldown before you can counter again. And if you get attacked within these 24 hours, you can then again counter your rival easier, as it will be cheap. Win for the countered, cause they see the end of the tunnel and win for the countering players, as counters stay cheap.
  7. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

  8. sorry pimp i dont deal with lots off mentally retared people excuse my typos but go take your meds setttle down i dont want you to post another im quiting speach or post your just tooo much fun too beat the shizz out off every day lol hahahahahahahaha :D:cool::eek:
  9. KANO agrees. That means it will be implemented. Of course Eddie will still be keeping his self-countering counterbots and +900 def Robot Viking Warriors, only fair riiiiight
  10. The changes to enhance player stats over clan stats were made in my opinion to make the game more inclusive to players who didn't want to shell out big bucks on hired clan. I wasn't around before this change was made but in a situation that favored clan size over all the game would be too biased on the big spenders to the point where the low spenders and free players wouldn't have a chance for the greater portion of the game.

    Back on topic whoever posted the idea about having 3-4 types of attacks and 2-3 types of counters had a good idea. I was thinking something like:

    standard attack - 1 stamina - loses vs all counters
    power attack - 5 stamina - added XP - loses vs all counters
    flanking attack - 2 stamina - breaks normal counters, 50% chance of winning decisive ambush
    berserkergang - 5 stamina - does greater damage if no counters in place/breaks all counters in place

    counter attack - 2 stamina - normal counter
    decisive ambush - 2 stamina+double gold cost - can counter flank attacks
    take fortified position - 1 stamina to set up+gold cost player has ridiculously high defense boost, costs player 2 stamina per attack repelled, while in this state players cannot attack back, lasts automatically until stamina runs out or player attacks another player or boss.

    Good point. To a lot of low and mid level players counters are an important part of their game and the only defense against certain bullies with high defense that cant be attacked back. (turtles, tyndalls, etc) Remember that the game is not just built for us top tier players but for everyone. A game change with the motivation to ruffle the feathers on a Pimp's hat may be pleasing to some but the unintended side affects would piss off a lot of lower level warriors struggling to build their character against turtley aggression.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

  12. hi polish@
    i counter you you counter me so what lol no need to write on other book about Lord of the rings drama :D
  13. yes grendal i set counters

    then again we both know your attack is no where near 50% higher than my defense
  14. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    HOLD IT!

    Really? You're dragging in mental retardation? With spelling like THAT!?
    PLEASE... Dude, I am "mentally retarded." And even I can spell better than that. I can type better, too, even when doped up on morphine and Vicodin and half-asleep.
    I only just saw that post, otherwise I would have responded sooner.

    So, having a GENETIC flaw in the brain makes someone stupider and therefore less of a person? What kind of stereotyping jackass ARE you!?
    If you want to insult someone's intelligence, then FINE. No problem. But even the usage of "retard" as an insult implies that anyone with a disability (physically retarded, emotionally retarded, socially retarded, mentally retarded, the list goes on and on) is inferior to "normals"?
    Dude, you NEED to have some long chats with Down's Syndrome kids. They are THE sweetest and least judging people you will ever meet.

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