counter attacks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ParashuramaBloodAxeLegend, Apr 19, 2011.



  1. YES

  2. NO

  1. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    maybe counter attacks should be more realistic .

    a player with a force of 1000 chieftains with high attack and low defense countering a player with a force of 2000 with high attack and high defense under present rules wins the counter attack . this wouldn't happen in real life .

    i say a counter attack shouldn't be an automatic win .

    these days i only use a counter to piss someone off or in the case of some players (with low defense) to get decent xp's .

    as to kano changing the game , they've made 2 or 3 major changes in the last 2 years i've been playing and you change with it or go play farmville . like baseball , there's no crying in viking clan .
  2. i remember seeing a idea somewhere bout having 3 or 4 different types of counters and 3 or 4 different type of attacks and you could only set counters against 2 or 3 of them.not all of them.that would be more strategic
  3. dude only reason you pass me because you bought larry account and use him as a tool basicly he sits their and heal all night while you attack him 5000 times and he dont attack you back sounds like bot work lol and u did quit and you would have made it pass me if jill didnt help ya and the 2000 dallors u spent to pass me lol :cool:
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Not to be rude....but r u mentally handicapped? Not only do u not have a clue about what your talking about...U make no sense...U butcher the English language so bad....your nearly impossible to understand. Please read the prior posts b4 u comment!
  5. hes drunk.dont drink and post :D

    ok that was bad but still
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I believe the counter attacks state that they r an "ambush" thus giving the setter of said counter the advantage despite the numbers of the opposing force.

    Counters r used for many valid reasons...but i personally think they were initially intended to stave off bullies attacks...but who knows. The simple solution...if u dont like being hit with counters...DONT HIT THE PERSON SETTING THEM...PROBLEM SOLVED!
  7. and as gene even said

    dont like it then go play farmville where theres no such thing as a counter.

    you cant get attacked or countered harvesting crops :D
  8. lol pole smoker pimp every one knows you cheat cry to kano ask them to change things again cry baby im the retarted one look in the mirror buddy u play this app day and night its like crack too you spend more money i still beat you for a long time to come
  9. I gave up reading the posts halfway through the second page.
  10. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    I voted yes, good suggestion.
  11. L Figgins

    L Figgins New Member

    have to vote yes !!! counter attacks getting old :eek:
  12. anyone voting yes i just hope you know itll cause MANY to complain and just might cause alot to leave the game

    unless thats your plan para

    wouldnt put it past you
  13. high level player can attack lower level only if lower level attack first .. so will be more interesting to see how battle ended .. :) can try out for 2 weeks and see ..noting bad will happen to my enemy guild voters hehehe
  14. well the way its set up now a counter CAN fail.

    i know kitty went through some of my counters before when i had 0 items

    way its set up now is perfect.

    long as your well over 100,000% stronger youll win against it :D
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The originator of this thread is not trying to remove counters entirely...nor would he want is well known that he uses them more than just about anybody...if u include the other higher level accounts he operates the number of counters he uses is simply off the charts. He made it quite clear in his opening remarks that he wants counters to remain...but for them to fail in the instance that the player setting them has an extremely high attack and a corresponding low defense. Translation-------He doesnt like the fact that lower level players are beating him, and if they do beat him....he feels that they should not be able to defend themselves against him.

    This whole idea is completely self serving and doesnt warrant any serious consideration....he is simply frustrated by the fact that I passed him like I he was standing still with my original account. Because of his resentment....he would taunt me and level accusations toward me that I was "running away" from him in levels because i was scared of him beating me. So now that i have started over.....and i have been "running towards" him....he is again butt hurt because i kick his butt everyday while being hundreds of levels below him and then counter him when he attacks. He knows damn well I have no intention of leveling out of his reach and that my intent is to simply keep pace with them and continue to whoop his butt.

    I personally think its pathetic and very sad to see this former #1 player grasping at straws in this way...maybe if he just would have kept his trap shut and played within the rules I would just of remained where i was. We reap what we sow....He made his bed and now he must lie in it.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
  16. very well thought out.very well said.i would have to say everything here is 100% just shows you are by FAR the better player.
  17. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    As I have been on the receiving end of counters from people quite often, I think it is a good idea. If you mostly neglected your defense to get a high attack value, your counters should become more likely to fail.

    Yes, I know, I just gave the ultimate proof that I'm a cat, but you all knew it already.

    Using one or two counters to hold someone off and tell him "Go attack someone else" this way is okay, but there are several players who hog the counter button, cause they fail against my build. I admit to having set counters to annoy people on Pirate Clan, but I try to limit them. I don't like them.

    Sometimes the Foul Red Devil and I would whack a player, and once he set a wall of counters on the one, the other began chaining him into the ground.

    And I really think that countering should be more expensive. Moneywise or otherwise.
  18. hahaha they can go attack boss or world booss ..well done Kano now players cant complain about that there is non to attack

    back to counter attacks .. like i said before this option can be timed test and more options in game give players more brain storm :)

    polish@ dont you get Paranoid again hehehe (joking)
    i dont really want to attack you polish because i get $hit exp .. i cant sell all my warriors every time and wait till you come out of hospital !!!

    nice comment Das
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    And that was a big part of my plan. I knew full well that most players have neglected the importance of lots of stamina, most players do not want to waste their precious lil stamina for crappy xp, and those that do want to waste their stamina on that crappy xp.....lower their counter prices like crazy. So i get to kick the crap outta higher leveled players and stave off the lower levels with counters, Its a win win....for me anyhow! This is exactly why Para wants to alter the counter screw me...and save his ass.

    Counters have worked great the way they are for a long long time. Why on earth would we want to handcuff and or punish players who have built their characters around and in accordance to these rules? If u dont like the fact that some players are formulating new strategies to topple the so called time proven strategies of yesteryear...I suggest they get off their lazy asses and start over. I did ......and Im loving every second of it!
  20. lol polish sounds like its all about you hehehe
    but its your game and everyone play how they want so please dont call other players stupid only because they game is different .. my self personally im happy that you are happy and lets be that way ;)

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