Confirm Button Needed for Purchasing items and stam and energy in pirate clan

Discussion in 'Rejected Ideas' started by Jon Ward, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    Linda, 4 the 10th time, as Obama wud say, let me B clear, n refresh ur memory, I ALWAYS understood what UR saying, BUT u keep repeating the obvious 2 me as if i am missing chromosomes, it HAS happened 2 me also, what i said, from the begging, is "kill that button all together" b/c "we already have a refill button already".. RECAP you and John told me "the refill button did not exist", RECAP then you n John said "it was only in VC n not PC" RECAP now you and John say "you now have it PC too", RECAP then John said "it does not have a confirmation n if u click refill it automatically spends DJ credits" FACT if u tried 2 use it, u will C, it has a confirmation 4 refill purchases, something that you requested when you started this forum...FACT was already i said from the day of my 1st post to you, the forum should have been Kill the button, not add confusion, resolve it. Read the RECAPs my posts havent changed, your replies back to me have, and always start w/explaining the OBVIOUS issue, please only reply to the informative text and not to Redundantly explain the button issue that we all share,Thanks
  2. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    simplified Jerome, fight a boss, the 1st button u click to attack is either the regular attack or Power Attack, press them to start and that triggers another window to open so you can attack again, if you read the button your clicking on in the 2nd time, its called "Attack again" thats the window everyone stays in until Stamina runs out, then it closes and the button you do not want to press pops up and leads to the mistake, do not press the attack again button. look down, go down scroll down depending on how big ur screen is, to the original window, the one with the GIANT BOSS PICTURE IN IT, and use the "Attack" or "Power Attack" buttons in that one again, is that explained better? let me know buddy...
    just take your time to review your screen, this issue has made me so much more familiar w/the game, it has turned into a learning experience as well. get familiar w/ all the games features, they really have a lot going on in there, good stuff Kano Kudos
  3. Thanks for the clarification ViPCEO.
  4. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    Kendall, the answer to your question...

    Kendall, When you click on the refill button located in the bar next to the Stamina Timer, this confirmation window/button pops up, that says...

    You are running low on Stamina/Energy Wait for your Stamina/Energy to refill or ask Davy Jones for a quick refill below.
    Refill Stamina/Energy for 10 Favor Points
    Wait 2 days for a complete Stamina/Energy refill

    The problem lies w/this same button, there is no confirmation for your refill confirmation button when it comes up as mentioned below.
    the same button goes live as we are blindly battling/adventuring, bosses/missions(anything that spends stamina/energy) soon as your choice of attack/mission exceeds your available stamina/energy supply...(Meaning you can have zero stamina/energy or have 3 stamina/energy left but try to do a minimum mission/boss power attack that requires 5 stamina/energy to complete) "poof" A pop up window opens simultaneously,

    1. window(s) have the Header of Defeat/Arrrrg Notice(s) you do not have the stamina/energy to complete...
    upon opening underneath Headers there are up to 3 different buttons rotating in the text box..

    (a) 1st Button- Energy/Stamina Boost...(once used does not reappear until timer resets)
    (b) 2nd Button-request Energy/Stamina Boost...(once requested does not reappear until timer resets)
    (c) 3rd Button Refill Energy/Stamina for 10 Favor Points... DEACTIVATE THIS BUTTON FROM THIS FIELD OF TEXT

    Button (3) issue remains constant, its always LIVE in the text area at all times.

    above button opens inside these pop up windows, as they open n close.
    (the fields expands and contracts accordingly to fit the windows) when the "attack again" closes, the new window opens, (the game board fields jump) our mouse, that was once aligned perfectly over the "Attack Again" button, is now immediately aligned over... Button #3
    Refill Stamina/Energy for 10 Favor Points... and is clicked on by accident
    In the blink of an eye that 10th of a nano second in time, as we are clicking a new button is there in midclick.
    Players, while pounding their mouses feverishly, now realize they just bought a refill they did not want, or at least did not intentionally do so. I hope this sheds light on our issue, its happened on more than one occasion to myself but never thought of bringing it into here.. Linda has spear headed this issue w/relentless zest and vigor, having colonized the Armada's and have them rallying behind her, this afects players at all levels, most of whom don't post in here.
    tyvm ttyl, Jim
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I keep repeating and keeping it simple for my simple mind, when I read what you write I just go HUH?? lol between the bold face the caps and the complex explanation of my need for not using DJ points when I do not want to , I get dizzy lol so however we explain it , make it happen , Dev's thanks
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    ok it happend again and this time the board jumped and I DID not even click and there was a lag and another 10 DJ points gone, I was gonna use my boost when I ran out , was getting low but NO the game decided again for me , this really really is lousy :(
  7. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Due to the investment of time required, this won't be happening anytime soon. We've moved the button for boss fights and energy, both are out of the way preventing accidental click. We've also allowed the hiding of items on the home page and on high volume action places like fights/boss and battles/adventures. We want to continue to hear if buttons are in the way and we'll make efforts to move them to a better location to avoid misclicks.
  8. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    lol ...............
  9. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    TYVM! Great job! This is all that needed to be done, the problem was accidental clicks, solution was kill or move the button, Problem solved. The addition of a confirmation button was the 1st simple idea that kept repeating, came to the mind(s) of the player(s) that started the thread, the 2nd and 3rd idea came from...ME lol now, see how SIMPLE that was :) lmao
  10. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    We believe this issue to now be resolved. If there are lingering areas where accidental clicks & purchases occur, please submit your report to, please be as specific as possible in your report. We would like to resolve accidental clicks. At this time we have no plans to implement a confirmation button. Thanks! :)

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