[VC] Chrome not allowing to load entire page

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by ZSlayer, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. ZSlayer

    ZSlayer Active Member

    something going on with secure connection with Kong players not loading entire page and not connecting to chat

    another player stated "in firefox there is a little i with circle in beginning of address bar, clicked on it and clicked the thing about secure connection. now i am on a non secure connection but able to load entire page"

    How do we get it to work on Kong????
  2. Gerriattrix

    Gerriattrix New Member

    Same problem in Firefox. We get half a page, no scrolling. Seen it in both Pirate and Viking Clan
  3. ZSlayer

    ZSlayer Active Member

  4. Gerriattrix

    Gerriattrix New Member

    I can confirm, in firefox, disabling security (for now) loads the pages just fine.
    Not so easy in Chrome, you basically have to start it with a command-line parameter to allow mixed content.
    But obviously this is just a temporary fix that may compromise security/privacy and it needs to be sorted at the server end...

    Blocked loading mixed active content “http://cdn1.kongregate.com/javascripts/kongregate_api.js”
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  5. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

    still fucked
  6. WorldB

    WorldB Member

    Same here. Frames issue on website
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for letting us know, fix it going out right now. Refresh your games to pick up the change.
    Seppo and Gerriattrix like this.
  8. WorldB

    WorldB Member

    Fix worked for me on Chrome mi7ch.
    Dollerz and mi7ch like this.
  9. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    Not Loading? Refresh Page. when are you gonna work on this on kanoplay.com/server2?? an i am still seein the Pirate Clan as the following what it says too me: Your connection too this site is not fully secure.

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