changes in arena

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by slave, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    i have to agree with blood its not just the timeout its the overall speed of the ba....
  2. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    @TWBB + itb The running out of steam feature is the only throttle we've put in place in the arena. Can you be more specific about the slowness you experienced? Was it just for attacks, or did other actions seem slower as well? Did you notice this just in the arena, or in the regular game also? While we are interested in keeping things fair and competitive, we wouldn't purposefully slow down the game speed because that doesn't benefit anyone, and is lame. Throw some specifics my way and I'll get someone to look into it :)

    @Alka As I've said, we are very interested in keeping the games fun and competitive for everyone. I appreciate you letting us know your concerns, and we will continue to do our best to ensure we listen to our players while making the games awesome.
  3. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    i must say the hole game has been slow attacking people, ive notice the last few days have been much better, im talking regular game, now the last ba and it didnt matter if i was using enter or my mouse it did not attack as fast as it did in the past ba's.., best way i can say this is in the past ba's everytime i clicked my mouse a stam would b used no matter how fast i clicked, in the last ba it was more like for every 3 clicks a stam was used...i only noticed slowness while attacking, hope this helps
  4. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Thanks itb, I appreciate the info, and will have someone look into it. :)
  5. Blasphamy

    Blasphamy Member


    Why not implement a % based earning system? You wanna talk about fun and fair for everyone?? Prove it. Let those who do the work earn credit for that work and those who just wanna hang out get blasted at the end. I don't see any other option or suggestion out there that screams I WANT TO MAKE IT FAIR better than rewarding those who click, click, click away to exhaustion get the rewards they earn, more than the vulture who hits it for 10 seconds and gets 100% of that reward.

    Exploits are problems in programming, not problems that players create. Listen to your players....they aren't pissed at the exploit exclusively, they are upset at the idea of putting effort (sometimes so much effort that your new throttling feature stops them) and getting nothing for it. It creates hostility, animostiy and outright hatred for the system itself. Talk about disappointment, frustration complete shut down and lack of desire.....

    Let those who do the 'driving' gain the deserved credit they earned.
    Let those who do little to no work, get little to no benefit.
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Gotta disagree.

    It's a game of chance.

    If someone wants to be a vulture then more power to them.

    But unless that vulture is pretty high up and/or alot of health,then they won't last very long if ya just go after them when they first steal the kill.
  7. alka

    alka Banned

    I didn't see all the guys who are complaining about the Throttle System running to the boards to point out the "Exploit".
    Maybe if they had and not been happy to exploit it, there wouldn't be a Throttle system.
    They only have themselves to blame. :)

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