change boss damage back

Discussion in 'Rejected Ideas' started by The Protector, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    if a player cannot even do the min on his or her own boss, then they need some info and guidance in how to play a game
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    as far as alt abuse, a player can feed himself a boss from his second, third, etc account to further his main account, for xp and loot. I see it all the time, my wish is all alternate accounts be shut down, for a variety of reasons , and this is just one way things get abused by players with alts , which is out of control on FB :( to the point that some talk about those accounts of theirs in the third person , pretty strange :p
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    This only promotes the use for alts,not the other way around.
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Well,I guess you can't just have 1 player kill it.Need 2 to kill it if you don't want any of it.
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    why would a boss owner not want the reward from their own boss?? just wondering the thought behind that act, to me it seems then they just want to help someone , maybe theirs or someone else's alt , out with the XP or the loot, or some other strange reason, I must be missing something here lol
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Because the boss could be 100% worthless to them,but can benefit other clan members.
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    You play in pirate clan right?Take the following example.
    Player A has a sea serpent ready to launch.Player A has 0 use for it but knows that Player B could use the drops.Player A sends Player B the link.Player B can't fully kill the boss because of the bogus limit.Player A though has 0 use for the drops and it's a waste of stamina.
  8. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    ok and Player A could also be players B's alt lol or vice versa , anyway if I were to wonder how many of my 2,000 real clan needed some loot from my boss, I would have be institutionalized at that point lmao sometimes I pick a boss off the feed, ( which is rarely) when it is a low level old boss and I know the reward or loot may not help me anymore, but the high xp will let me level when I am real close , I will use that boss, and ya also never know if some day all the loot we do not use anymore maybe something that can be crafted , it could happen :)
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Those drops can get crafted in the example I listed.Let's for argument sake say player A has no use even for the legendary version of the drop.
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    well I still like it the way it is, but that's just me, I am looking to get strong, if I help someone along the way, that's okay, but that is not MY personal goal. but thanks for the example :)
  11. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Here's a better idea.Since Kano is making this more of a "get it done yourself",why not make it so you can't share bosses anymore?Alt usage for that solved.
  12. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    LOL now that is totally in the other direction lol but good try :p
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Supposedly...the main reason they put the owner minimum in to affect is because of perceived abuses by alts. Lets get real here....there is not a single current aspect of these games that cant be "abused" by alts, alt itself is an abuse. The one and only way to stop alt use/abuse is to eliminate alts....thats just not gonna happen. There may be a few ideas out there that might substantially slow the alts down......this update just doesnt happen to be one of them.

    The type of alt were talking about here is not the typical "cash cow", were talking about the much rarer type of alt accounts whos sole purpose for being is to "farm" bosses so ones main account can level off them. As mentioned previously in this thread.... requiring a boss owner to obtain the minimum damage is not going to deter the farming of bosses. The player who is farming bosses already has to be in both their main and alt account in order to ask for help or to send the much longer do u really think it takes to hit the minimum on a boss...a few seconds? How much less XP is the main account really getting when only the minimum is required by the boss owner? Eventually....once an alt account farms bosses to a level in which the minimum becomes to burdensome.....the offending player simply makes another alt account. I would imagine this probably already happens once a an alt accounts bosses get to a level where the XP for the main is no longer optimal. So its actually quite possible that this update has actually added to the number of alts.

    Personally....I dont think that this is so much an alt issue Im more of the mindset that the issue was initially raised by some well intended but short sighted individuals but the idea was quickly picked up and championed bya number of Battle levelers and those who feel that boss levelers should be limited to how many bosses they can hit.....who saw it as an opportunity to slow down boss leveling in general.

    Depending on your POV this update has had more of a negative impact than anything else. For starters....There simply isnt as many bosses available. During the original debate....many cited that there would be more opportunity for all player to get on a boss...well thats simply not the case when there are fewer bosses available. With less bosses....the ones that dont have a max set get gobbled up even quicker by the hungry boss hunters. Implementing this update into a mature game really screwed some players over, those who simply wanted the end rewards because their builds didnt include a lot of stamina would simply hit a boss once or twice and then send it out to be slaughtered so they could collect there reward and quickly move on to their next bosses end reward. After doing this for some time their bosses got to be of a significant level...once this update was implemented their bosses were of such a level that the minum damage would require more stamina than they could afford.

    The end all is that it comes down to personal choice. Its the owners boss....let them do with it as they wish. Especially now that Kano has gave us sliders for boss limits and the fact that the slider remains where u last set it even as u move from boss to boss...its all but idiot proof. If someone today puts out a boss with no limit it means they never set one....or they physically removed it, does that not put the onus on them?

    For those of you that feel its necessary to have Kano mandate what others can or cant do with their own bosses........Im guessing it would be Ok to not get to choose who u want to battle? Perhaps a limit on how many diff players you can attack? How about ....if u attack them you have to attack them a certain number of times before u get your XP? might suck if the player u attack just stays in the hospital and u dont get your XP and u wasted a bunch of stamina, but sucks that i cant get my end rewards from my boss without wasting a bunch of stamina too. Yeah....this might have little or no impact on bot users....but this update does nothing about alts so Im thinking its all

    Let players play...let them reap the rewards and suffer the consequences of their own action/decisions. If we keep limiting everything and mandate what we can do.....all were gonna have left is a bunch of cookie cutter accounts on auto pilot. Personally....I like to eat a chocolate chip then an oatmeal and if im felling spunky I'll grab a fig newton, its been great since i moved outta moms decades I can eat as many as I want! Sure...I may have gained a pound or two....but I guess Im gonna have to live with that....I was the one stuffing my face.;)
    Last edited: May 4, 2012
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Any more votes?
  15. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i gave it a 10 because i believe everyone should have the right to do whatever they please with their own bosses. that being said...its really not THAT big a deal, all the boss owner has to do is post it after whoever they passed it to has hit for the boss thats close to death will sit for long. why ask kano to spend more time on an issue thats extremely low on the totem pole of ideas when they could be working on....idk, any one of the 100 ideas that would have a much bigger impact on game play for all of us? just a thought..
  16. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    -10 for this , its much better the way it is now well done kano great change stops the abuse of bosses
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Can you please specify just how bosses can be abused?
  18. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    So,if someone owes you $100,you want the full $100 back don't you?Not "well this is my money so I have to hold onto 15% of it"
  19. gave it 10 *
    How come that moderators on this forum more or less always agree with Kano's decisions ?
    I know they don't get paid ! But they often replies on treads as if they did. Lmao
  20. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I was the second person to post on this thread and i gave it a ten. Everyone is free to vote as they like.

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