[KanoPlay] challenges?

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by polishpimp, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The game is not allowing me to do my challenges in MSPC. When i put my cursor over the word "challenges" a small black box with a padlock appears. Certainly hope this gets fixed and that I get the time back Ive lost as Im maxed out on how many digs I can get regenerate and the clock is ticking. TY
  2. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    i was just about to post a thread about that and i would take a screenshot of it but when you move your mouse the box goes away.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    here is what is says on facebook

    pirate clan (facebook error).jpg

    also my davy jones is greyd out and i cant acsess it im not sure if i had djpoints i dont pay atention to hoe many i have

    EDIT: myspace works now all i did was refresh and same goes for facebook just refresh browzer and it should work
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    seems to be fixed.....TY
  5. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Was a bug, fixed it. Mildly embarrassing, but good now :)
  6. anchorage Douglas

    anchorage Douglas New Member

    In my challenges all I am getting is 1 xp challenge2.jpg challenge3.jpg
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Hi Anchroage. When we have the mini calenders and challenges going at the same time if you click enough of them eventually your experiencing is going to drop down until it reaches 1xp everytime you help someone. But it will eventually return back so long as you don't keep clicking on the challenges trying to get experience. Its sort of like adventures except adventures has a limited amount you can help. Challenges limit is it drops the experience over time with so many clicks. Most's people return usually after about 8 to 10 hrs of not clicking them.
  8. anchorage Douglas

    anchorage Douglas New Member


    I can understand that but after 8 or 10 assists? I know of other players that have more than 30 assists and the xp never dropped so how to figure that?
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    The special 3 day calendar is tied in with reg challenge help.

    So if you've been clicking a combination of 3 day calendar help AND reg challenge help it'll drop it down.
  10. anchorage Douglas

    anchorage Douglas New Member

    Okay now I figured out if I go do a regular challenge ie: a treasure hunt or Captains gambit & complete one for full points then I can do the mini challenges for 1/2 of the regular points. I think it is kinda weird but it works.

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