Can only buy one property at a time ..

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by The Whoorida, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. The Whoorida

    The Whoorida Member

    It looks like you're changing stuff so maybe it's only temporary but you can only buy one property at a time right now. I hope this is not intentional because that would kill this game.
  2. yes that irritates me as well.thats a downgrade not upgrade
  3. Pit Boss

    Pit Boss New Member

    Indeed, what kind of BS move is this? I'm sincerely hoping it's just a bug/glitch and not a permanent change. That would suck mightily. :rolleyes:
  4. it seems to have fixed
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Yep, it was a bug accidentally pushed. Should be all fixed now.
  6. The Whoorida

    The Whoorida Member

    Take it easy people, this was almost obviously a bug. Give them a chance to respond before getting all worked up!

    Thanks for fixing this Kano.

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