Came Back. Nothing Changed.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by God of Bacon, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I've long since quit the game, but I went back to the game for a little visit to all the people I used to play with. I checked someone out of my curiosity. A certain brand of hired squad was lacking :p

    About a year and a half ago I made an idea that appeared to be well received. Over a year ago I was told that in a few months they'd be implemented. How much is a few months?

    Just note Kano, I quit a long time ago. I stop in every few months say hi to a few old friends and leave. I've also noticed a lot of those old friends are gone from the game. Not sure how many people had to mention it to you that you'd lose players by ignoring them and lying to them. I just find it ironic that you still haven't learned and will probably still be digging into the excuse pile on why not to give your players what they want.

    Best Wishes
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Well hello God of Bacon,

    I was wondering where you had gone and I suppose this answers my question.

    When you say "nothing's changed" I'm going to guess that you're specifically referring to your idea and not the whole host of other things we've got going on. I'd link them, but that's a little self-serving and not exactly on topic.

    In regards to your idea, a few mistakes were made along the way, and the ball was definitely dropped by us at some point. I don't know what the situation was when Wonder Bread predicted the three month implementation timeline for those ideas he called out, one of which was yours, but since then I've tried to get your idea through in some form or another, obviously without much success.

    There are a few takeaways from this, but the bottom line is that we said your idea was going to be implemented, gave you a timeline and didn't follow through. That's pretty bad. There's really no excuse at this point, but I hope that by the time your next check-in rolls around we can surprise you.

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