Calling all passionate players KANO/APPS wants YOU!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Deltan, Feb 16, 2012.

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  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Thanks serpico!
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Giving benefits to an employee and incentives to volunteers who r to remain neutral is 2 completely diff things...especially when these moderators are playing a game that can be enhanced by paying.

    Its fine that KFC offers their employees a free drink....but i doubt that they would be ok... if it somehow interfered or made the dining experience any less enjoyable for their paying customers

    Apparently u live on an island somewhere....companies that dont offer customer rewards are few and far between these days.

    R u kidding me with the mason remark? Although i dont think wanting someone with english as their first language is discriminatory....especially is a position such as this.....but your example is laughable
  3. It took you what.. four days to finally reply to a post a made back on page five?

    Bravo, polish.

    Whether they get UN credits from a weekly paycheck from Kano or Kano cuts out the middle man and gives it to them, the end result is the same.

    Of course, you appear to believe that any credits Kano gives to a moderator will be frequent and in abundant amounts. Game breaking even.

    It's funny that you keep saying laughable. That word comes to mind every time I see you post.
  4. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Closing this thread, it's going off-topic and I think we've beaten the topic of perks to death. Please apply here:!
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