limit on bosses and i xp ?? not following you there,
bosses never drop 1 xp
you can do as many bosses as you want there is no limit except your stamina, this idea is to insure people do not take too much off a baby boss so that there is not enuf to share, I would never use 10 on someones boss , let alont my own, 5 stamina hits are the norm for me, but if a clan has a baby boss like a make, sky, poser or Dino, i I would only use 1 stamina hits to reach the 100% of damage which is the min, so my friends can get their min in also , hey a level 45 and above, go for it all the way some of those min are over 1 mill lol, people need all the help they can get when they get that high and higher lol
Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2012