The Boss page is getting a bit of a makeover today with the addition of a separate tab for the Raid Bosses.
This is a relatively simple change which will take Raid Bosses off of your regular Boss page and give them a tab of their own, similar to how Challenges have their own tab on the Adventures/Jobs/Outbreaks page.
At the top of the Boss list you will see two tabs, Bosses and Raids. This is pretty self-explanatory, but here is a screenshot for you:
The Bosses tab will also show when the next Raid Event is happening, which is something I get asked a lot here on the forums.
The Raids tab will only show you the Raids you currently have joined/opened:
This change is in place right now so Zombie Slayer will get the first look at it when their Raid Event goes live tomorrow morning at 9 am Pacific. This will be out on the other games on their next Raid Event.
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