Hiya Guys, Not that I am complaining... but... Boss fights were every 48 hours. This week, we did mine on Sunday night, then Tuesday Night. So now, Wednesday Lunchtime... I have 7 hour until the bottom 5 unlock again. This is: Good: Mucho extra powerful weapons Bad: Stamina is still an issue. As the XP is pretty bad on the new 5 once you get past level 5, it's taking too much to do them all. This may be a wonderful time to address that issue of Stamina and Health refills in 24 hours if we are expected to use more Stamina in particular, more often.
This was a timer format issue that should now be fixed that was applied to all timers in the game. As for faster regen times looking to get something out this week, implementation is done just trying to figure out the correct values to set.
Dang!! I was looking forward to more MMA Gloves and Wongsawat Elephants tonight. hehehe Love those Hephalumps Seriously... WOW!! The new drops are AMAZING! Not only am I no longer using Katanas to attack anymore, Exoskeletons are almost a thing of the past. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the Regeneration times. I will always stick by... Regen Stamina and Health in 24 hours for those with more than 760/288. We don't need anymore.. most of us already spend wayyyyyy too much time playing
Well Eric, hun, it's Sunday night down under and my stamina is still taking 2 mins per Any further updates??? PLEASE Pretty please with coding on top?