Recipes Really kano how dirty, using a monkey to do a female... this recipes could be awesome if more realistic, do complex charades, copy them from movies or books i don´t know, but do something THAT MAKES SENSE !!
A monkey? I thought Minstrel Maiden was Jaguar Knight and Treasure Chest... Mardi Gras Beauty is 1 Pirate Heir, 1 Sea Dog Deckhand, 1 Wealthy Privateer. I see no monkeys or other Female Pirates.
would be nice if i could see all the pages...oh wait i cant.i posted a thread in bug section how with firefox you cant turn pages.either that or me and someone else have a strange problem with our firefox. i have another browser but its annoying to use it since i always use firefox.
thats a phoinex drop and you have to reach a certain level before you can get the hero oh and wrong section of forum
To find where an item is that you need, simply click on it and you will be taken to the place it comes from. It might not be easy to decipher, but it will be better than guessing.
World Boss fight. You have to do a certain number of attacks AND be at or above a certain level. The world boss (Pheonix) has attacked twice, so players will have AT MOST 2 Heroes/Land's End Sentinels.
For being secret recipes most of the items that you get from it are pretty weak when you reach that point (aka from drops items adventures and bosses) think of some stronger attack an defense item
Is this a suggestion that the recipes need to yield stronger items? I suggest posting in the appropriate zone to ensure that the right people see it.
pirate clan recipe for chinese sea dragon use the dilapidated ship wreck (created from the very first auto fill) and the Imperial sea ship i am looking for a recipe for minstel maiden
With the help of many others (like Lord Aegirsson) I was able to have all hidden recipes. As discussed it is somewhat disappointing since they do not have a good increase on atk / def... but maybe a collectible item...uhmmmm