Blacksmith Confusion :/

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by hyperfixx, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. hyperfixx

    hyperfixx Member

    I'm confused.

    I use my Elite Pirate Voodoo Dolls to create my Pirate Voodoo Dolls. Then I have to turn around and use the Pirate Voodoo dolls to create my Elite Voodoo Dolls. How can I make new Elite Dolls if I am always using them up to make the Voodoo ones? It makes no sense to me.
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    You're reverse crafting.If there is a arrow pointing down,that is a reverse craft.Get rid of your powder monkeys and you won't have this confusion.
    Kano,is there any possible way to make this clearer?
  3. This needs to be made into an Idea thread :)
  4. hyperfixx

    hyperfixx Member

    Ok guys, I get it now. It's very simple, but confusing at the same time. I will post this in the IDEA thread as well.

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