was just wondering if there was any good Strategies to level up quickly, like allocating skill points.
As Das said, the best way to level up real quick is stacking as more skill points as you can. If you're worried about being weak, then you'll have to find the balance between the five attributes. It's very hard to be strong and level up fast
Unless you spend money like there is no tomorrow. Wait, isn't it 2012? The World ends this year, let's make tons of debts to level up quickly!
lol...I think I level 2-3 times a day or so and I got a level 1700.....and mine is a fighter/boss killer...but I still get outbreaks done pretty quick. but I also spent $$ lol
okay because i've got a level 326 which i get bout 3-7 levels a day depending on how long i spend on the game. My friend wanted help with leveling so i came here to get some opinions . Thanks for the energy idea
the energy idea will make you open to almost everyone as thatll make you weak even if you get the best weapons/gear/vehicle/destructives and upgrade them to the max youll still be weak as top squad strength is limited by your own base atk/def values so yes energy is a quick way to level but also the one that leaves you open only advantage energy build has is getting cash quick
The fastest way to level is by finding a "leveling partner" who is near your size/level/strength, and battle each other repeatedly. Make sure to take the time to use your energy for each level otherwise it will be wasted. This way you can put skill points into stamina to keep battling, and Attack & Defense to remain strong. The higher your Health, the more experience you get from battles/bosses, but also the higher damage you take. Get the best weapons you can, considering the upkeep cost- the best ones are usually from boss drops or the blacksmith. Also, get 1000 inner circle chieftains ASAP, because they each bring additional warriors and weapons into battle. When you have become unstoppable, send a request to join the "Clan of the Cave Bear" guild.
that doesnt work on ZS theres a limit of 40 attacks(i think only 20 with exp) level partner wont work here for viking/pirate/lcn..sure that strategy will work