[VC] Battle Results Design Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    UGH. Another pointless update that ive never seen anyone speak of let alone complain about. With so many other items that players have complained about and Kano said they would address yet we havent heard about since it just makes zero sense. How about we get back to work on things players actually care about like reverting the skull heal tab back to the way it was, fixing all the bounty and arena issues or even the new characters classes for the higher levels. Making the games look more modern is a ridiculous reasoning for an update
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    im guessing you didnt read this? or maybe you didnt understand it??
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Are u addressing my post? I read what you're quoting and in part its what irritated the heck outta me. Mitch is a great guy and all but as far as Im concerned he stepped in a big pile of doodoo with that one....lol. Ive heard at nauseum how Kano is just a small independent company with a handful of employees and minimal resources, as much as I respect what theyve done with said limited resources I cant help but to be irked when they are gonna waste even a "couple" of people on an update as unnecessary as this one. Then to ask for specifics as to what else needs to be addressed is a mind blower.....how many other thing have been stated to be in the que or gotten a ton of support? Im pretty sure Ive seen you "bump" a few of your own decent ideas that seem to have been lost in the shuffle. In the big scheme of things its not the end of the world ....just completely unnecessary.
  4. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    games that dont change with the times get left in the dust, whether its content or design
  5. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    I do agree with that Demonik1. I like their earlier comment that they are trying to be more user friendly to new players and posting helpful tips & such like. I am sure in our own start times years ago that we may have appreciated a few helpful nudges in the right direction. Surely a more modern feel will help attract new players as VC then it will not look so much like a game that has been around for years. Ok, so the higher levels are not realistically likely to come across new players in the normal course of things, but new blood means new interest, new money for Kano perhaps and new comments and observations in the forum from new members. I am surely not the only one to notice that of the 1000's (?) who play this it is the same old crew who are on the forum with their own personal points of view. Probably no more than about 50 of us are in here thrashing things out between us. It is 'nice' that Kano take notice of us as after all, who actually owns the game? At the end of the day to keep VC in place Kano do have to take notice of us, it's users, or it will die. Yet at the same time it is not our private club, so anything done to encourage new members must be good for all. Just saying :)
  6. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I hardly think I stepped in it here, polish. I get that taking Kano to task on certain things is a necessity for the health of the games, but this really seems like a small nit-pick.

    True, we have limited resources, but we are also capable of multi-tasking. The couple of people who worked on this design took time off to do other things in between. The Battle results update has been in development for a few months because we were tackling other projects in the interim.

    Believe me, I'm well aware of the standing community requests. I was asking for specifics from Chris' post because, while he had a problem with the crafting screen, he didn't state what the problem was, exactly, so how could we address it?
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Like I said previously Mitch...I dont think its the end of the world. In my opinion its just unnecessary and a waste of time. Its not just this specific example...I just used this particular example to voice my opinion n what seems to be a trend by Kano lately that seems to be picking up speed. Like all the wasted resources on the chat etc etc etc.

    If I upset ya with the "doodoo" comment then I apologize....It was actually an attempt at humor to keep things light
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    How about..."if it aint broke dont fix it"? Any examples of games that got left in the dust because they didnt modernize a battle page? how about games that fail because they get tinkered with to much? it sure seem to me that Kano had a whole lot more players before they started tinkering with things excessively....especially the updates that nobody even mentioned before...other than the landslide of PMs to support we always hear about .
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I agree that some change is needed to keep things fresh and interesting...but i also think that has to do more with the existing player base than new players. How would a new player even know whether a battle page was changed or not and do u really think a change such as this would really impact any players decision on whether or not they want to continue playing? Like I mentioned in a previous post....player count was once much higher and all the fluff and restrictions have done nothing to help the downward spiral. Players want fixes to problems and content that improves performance, playability and fun. I dont see this being the case at all with this latest update. Im all about getting new players to join and I encourage them as much as I can but ide be lying if I said it didnt bother me that most new updates seem to have a negative impact on players such as myself while making things easier and cheaper for newbs
  10. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    they lost alot of players when myspace closed us out, mostly alts but players none the less, and there were some that didnt know about it due to no internet access and some that just arent computer savvy enough to make the move and a select few that for whatever reason couldnt get their old acct back and had to start over which would piss anybody off and takes away from the fun of it for them i would suppose. you cant blame the loss of players on the changes that have been made recently when participation has risen slowly. there were only about 4-500 active players, by world boss count, when we first made the move to server 2, its up to 0ver 700 now. im not saying the battle page update was vital to keeping the game alive but the overall effect of all the changes made to modernize an old game isnt detrimental to its continued success....im sure any newer players that had or have no clue will appreciate the changes...i wish the game was like it is now when i first started, instead i had to pick everyones brain and still figure it out myself for my personal playing style....what takes a few days for players to learn now took most of us months or longer too figure out
  11. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    like mitch has said more than once, theyre working on multiple things at once....he never said all the things youve pointed out arent being worked on...some things are higher on their priority list and some things are faster to do than others and its easy to work on here and there while theyre doing other stuff as well. idc if the newbs DO have things easier, let em all level up nice and quick, i get tired of messin with the same old people
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    @Demonik. Im well aware of what Mitch said...lol. Again i say that this particular update is not the end of the world. I dont get how newbs will appreciate anything if they didnt have something else to compare it to and I still dont see how this update will change anybodies outlook of the game in such a way it will keep them from quitting or that they will start joining in droves....lol. Fine...its got a neat new look...WOOOHOOO! I get that this and other updates may be very quick and simple to implement but whats the point if there is no real benefit? Maybe it only took an hour to come up with but thats an hour that could have been used to address real issues just for examples sake....how hard could it possibly be to come up with the new character classes for the higher levels? Now theres something thats both easy and beneficial. Everyday that passes is detrimental to some who are still waiting. I for one am not going to waste 175 fp on a character change when there are so many unanswered questions that arose from the introduction of the last new character. Kano themselves said they made a mistake in how they handled that one and still not a peep since. I can certaily think of a few more but that would just be redundant.

    My apologies for getting off topic...just trying to make my point

    As far as the whole Myspace fiasco goes...no doubt that played a huge role in the player count drop but the numbers were dropping dramatically long before that ever happened and what impact would that have on FB participation numbers?
  13. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

  14. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    I am going to take the silence in this thread as confirmation that everyone loves the new Battle Results re-design :D

    In all seriousness I can see that some of you have Opted Out of the new results but if anyone is finding any specific issues with this new interface please let us know and we will look to right any wrongs as soon as possible.
  15. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I just saw it and was coming here to say it looks pretty cool, so first impression, I kinda like it.
  16. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Can you up the rate of GOD bounties for a hour to give it better test? LOL :D
  17. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    What happened to the early heal button on battle screen, instead of healing under your health? That's counter kills waiting to happen LOL

    It's not there on old canvas either. if opt out.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  18. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    I don't exactly follow where/what this specific Heal button was, but if it does not exist on the original interface I would venture it has been missing for at least a short while.

    It will prompt you to heal if you are in the hospital but I don't think this is what you are talking about. If you can give me some more details I will try to track this down.
  19. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    You beat me to it Matthew...LOL..yes where is the heal button that pops up when we are a bit less than 50% health ???? Its not on the old one anymore..it was like week or so ago... @ Smack it was there ...now its gone...the question we (those who battle) have is why would it be removed?....and can we get it back ..?? It hinders battle without it...and for those who worry about their death counts it will for sure increase..i personally dont care about my death count but i prefer not to die in a battle because i lost the heal button...:p

    update ** It is there on the old screen when hitting someone on bounty...but i still dont see it during regular battle..
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  20. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Ahh. Thanks for the info! I will do some digging around and talk to the team.


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