[VC] Battle Arena - The Road Ahead

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Eric - you won 1st off - congrats again by the way.

    2ndly - this new format is a good compromise between the people who enjoy both formats. I could not have participated if this was the old format (due to the start time and my work schedule). I refuse to ever participate in another arena like the prior 2 had been (3 days with as many revivals as a person wants). It worked for me and for many players.
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    What does me winning have to do with it? The first 8 hrs sucked and it was boring and spending over 100 fps to win 75 isnt really worth it in my opinion. Ill probly play in a few arenas here and there if this is how its going to stay but only when sudden death starts at a decent time for me....beyond that one arena a month, im done with em....id rather use my fps elsewhere
  3. ben

    ben Active Member

    they really need to change it back ... its was more fun to play the other way ... and maybe players will join it again ;)
  4. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    If memory serves me correctly Eric - you said multiple times that the previous arena formats made it impossible for anyone other than me to win. However seems you won this time. Seems to me winning should have everything to do with it.
  5. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Ben - I'd prefer the original arena. But KANO doesn't seem to want to do that. Wish they would, but they won't. ERGO, I'll accept this as a compromise.
    George Burd likes this.
  6. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    I just happened to see. But why is the next Battle Arena starting at New Years. It should be changed to the next day or day before.
  7. ben

    ben Active Member

    i mo they want to keep shoving it down peoples throats and thats why more and more people has stop playing it :(
    Grand Master Fielding likes this.
  8. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    i got use to the idea of being able to regenerate it was a bad start time in lcn and i forgot to set to start def. mode and was dead 15 minutes into the event, the regenerate thing would have gave me a chance to come back and atleast grab some xp, the event didnt even last 24 hrs so way go back to the 3 day period and the old way it dont last at all, and the same people win most the time, and alot has no chance to play due to bad start atleast the regenerate gives those a chance to participate more than just 1 every few months and ever event. I for one like the 24 hrs thing and more often idea myself. The points and all that im not forsure about. They have some good pro's for the changes by letting more participate or get a chance to. The one thing with the BA in VC only being 24 hrs I did forget about it due to the raid on lcn and was busy there. So in turn i have mixed feeling about length of ba tho, The added health for killing an opponent not being there was a good idea I think that leveled the ground alittle better so the higher skilled players couldnt get a mass of health early making them a less of a target the rest of the ba. The health add for attacking is good I think you should get more than you started with for health especially if we go with a points system. I purpose maybe having 2 arena's for us to choose one the old way and the other with the purposed changes. That way players have a choice of the old or new way or possible do both and hold each 1 every other week.
  9. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    as memory serves me, you said you didnt have a chance to play in the first phase of the arena so the only reason i won was because you werent able to play....either way, for most its not about winning or losing cause most are just not able to win so they join to have fun and the way it is now its not much fun...plain and simple...and another fun killer are all the people that dont even join to play, they join to sit there for hours on end in dmode just for the hell of it so an hour into the arena theres noone to hit and everyone is bored anyway. ive said for the longest time that dmode should be earned in the arena just like the kill rewards of health. letting aholes kill the fun is another reason why participation has fallen off. something like the arena should be exciting and fun, not a boring ass waiting game....we have enough things in this game that make us wait and wait and wait
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  10. Kris Lee DUke

    Kris Lee DUke Member

    The sudden death part of the arena did have the excitement of "death", but the outcome was probably decided by the first eight hours. Allowing the health bonuses from kills in the first part of the event to carry over to the sudden death part of the event meant that anyone who hadn't bulked up on kills before the finale couldn't compete.

    I disagree with this part. I completely missed the first 8 hours of the last arena. (It was at 1AM for me, I wasn't getting up that early...) I then started playing the arena once I had woken up and was able to finish with a best-ever 3rd place. I looked at the final point totals and even if I had played my a$$et$ off in the first part of the arena too, it would have still been a 3rd place finish for me.

    My argument is basically you can completely ignore the first part of the arena (as I will be doing again this time because it starts within 1 hour of the NY ball drop), but then play 8 hours later when sudden death part begins and still have a superb finish.

    My basic argument for the folks who want to play the "old style" arena: Calculate 8 hours out from the start time, and come in for the sudden death part. Build health in the sudden death part, get alot of kills and points, and your finish place will be 'close' to where it would have been otherwise.

    --- There will be folks who complain no matter what Kano chooses to do, but I personally feel this current arena setup is the best of both worlds...
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  11. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I disagree with this part. I completely missed the first 8 hours of the last arena. (It was at 1AM for me, I wasn't getting up that early...) I then started playing the arena once I had woken up and was able to finish with a best-ever 3rd place. I looked at the final point totals and even if I had played my a$$et$ off in the first part of the arena too, it would have still been a 3rd place finish for me.

    My argument is basically you can completely ignore the first part of the arena (as I will be doing again this time because it starts within 1 hour of the NY ball drop), but then play 8 hours later when sudden death part begins and still have a superb finish.

    My basic argument for the folks who want to play the "old style" arena: Calculate 8 hours out from the start time, and come in for the sudden death part. Build health in the sudden death part, get alot of kills and points, and your finish place will be 'close' to where it would have been otherwise.

    --- There will be folks who complain no matter what Kano chooses to do, but I personally feel this current arena setup is the best of both worlds...[/QUOTE]
    totally agree someone will always complain you cant make everyone happy but i do the the chance to atleast get a comeback to participate some for the xp, even if i dont place well im used to that its the actually playing i wanted to do, and with old set up i missed start time by 15 minutes then wasnt able to do nothing for 3 days in ba cause i simply forgot to set defensive stance and the rest u know, I just would like the chance to come in and blow a few thousand of the 4000 stamina i got in the ba
  12. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    here is the one who disagree...

    I never had problem with time starts, you are getting great ranks and you know why, this just leave the non spenders under the big spenders no matter what.. that is the problem. and no im not against people who likes to spend on a game, im against kano making it that way...
    George Burd likes this.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    So the game should be totally free?? so how do you expect kano to stay in business,let alone Kano having a game we can play.??
  14. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    Of course not, i understand the needs of f2p and ptp, but there should be a good balance to keep the game...
    Kirsten likes this.
  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Well I don't know any online game company that does not have people who spend, or the option to spend, it is really nothing new,in my 8 plus years of playing online games,be it fighting games or the other types.
  16. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    just the way it is. if you do spend, enjoy what rewards that gives you. if you don't spend, deal with it or do something else.
    Kirsten likes this.
  17. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    Wonder what happened to kano, either they consider this a dead issue or theyre just sick of the complaints lol i havent seen much of anything from them one way or another for a while
    Birkebeiner and JADES like this.
  18. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    It seems to me lately that KANO is ignoring posts as well Demonik, and "NO" I'm not just talking the last few day's because of XMAS..
    Birkebeiner and Demonik1 like this.
  19. ben

    ben Active Member

    well kano is on today and still waiting ... wow
    Demonik1 likes this.
  20. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    Lol even they are gettin tired of the games haha
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