I'm not exactly sure what has you so riled up here pimpy. nobody is ignorant or creepy just because they are stating their opinion. I understand when you display a personality of bullying other players to drop for you in the arena and they don't you banish them from your clan. but i'm not one of your sheep. you can't bully me into anything pimp so grow up.
when you guys are ganging up on 1 or 2 of the armada or i am being ganged up upon yes, my team mates help. it is not necessary to work in teams to take out the uppers though.
obviously the bounty gang comment was in reference to the game. i'm sure some one of your intelligence gets that. unless of course you are being obtuse. which i can also see so clearly.
sometimes you don't have time or foresight to save a target. again, not sure how you correlate that w/creepy /ignorant . maybe you just learned a new word and are improperly applying it but it's actually a good suggestion another player made. i am just repeating the suggestion.
a lower can win if they play it smart and are patient. the scales aren't so far off on the attack/defense and health. some of the lowers suck in health but that is a matter of tweak. ive seen posts where people have stated that lowers fared pretty well in the arena. haven't heard much about it being way off the mark or anything...have you?
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