Well ...well ... Kano has his own agenda and won't listen to players unless the changes they make won't work . It seems to me peoples still help them by spending alot on this events, so this change will happend even if we like it or not.
This game should move forward with better improvements for all the players not just for a tiny som who wanna just spend and spend.
But in the end Kano is a company and the things they bring up are made for us to push spending , is on every free game is free to play but not free if you want to get better.
To bad ,this will make less and less peeps active but we wait and see . I don't wanna try the new arena not care what they do with it , with years they had less and less peeps sign up for it .
Not to mention this will encourage alot of peeps to use scrips since is impossible to be 24/7 on to get the most hits .
This will be fun to watch

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