By the way some feedback on the battle arena from a personal point of view, I know you told me earlier Kendall that I needed a better strategy lol, but I disagree...
I have set myself up to be more of an attack and defensive player, so I haven't added a great deal into health 7.5-10% of my skills are in health.
My strategy was to find the players who had the most losses and hit them to try and steal the kill, I did this to countless players, and lost every single kill, I was clicking like crazy trying to time it right to no avail. It doesn't matter when I timed my attacks as I did try and alternate them I had the same result. So whilst going for kills I didn't necessarily win all of the battles, so eventually my health deteriorated to the point where I had to stop, I threw on my defensive stance and it took something like 3,500 attacks to kill me from having 60M health left. I spent 1500 stamina hitting players with low health, and I didn't get a single kill, one single kill would have given me enough of a boost to continue, but in the end all I could do is watch.
Now unless I want to change my entire skill set then I don't plan on re-joining the LCN battle arena, I know I may be part of the minority with low health, but that's my choice and it's a shame people in the arena are penalized because of having low health, no one can deny that health is everything, it's the core of the arena and it's the deciding factor in the event of a tie.
As I said earlier it's a great concept, but I'm not changing the way I play my game to suit the battle arena.
Good luck to anyone left in it also
Edit: The XP and battle drops were pretty good, best part of the arena in my opinion, thanks for those

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