Battle Arena Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, May 26, 2012.

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  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    R u kidding me Kendall??? who the hell was being negative? if was perfectly legitimate question that u ignored while answering others that came before and doing that u warranted the next comments u deemed as negative.
  2. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    As stated to Jillian:
    "I am not lead developer on this feature, I had asked the dev to come respond as you can imagine he is very busy doing some last minute dev and testing. I was merely trying to help out on this thread. Thank you for your patience and understanding. "

    I was able to answer the easier question, asked for the lead dev to chime in but as you can imagine he is busy. My bad, I should have responded with a "I will get an answer". Was never the intent to ignore.

    I was not referring to you as being negative.
  3. Kendall, you did NOT answer my question until just recently. What you did respond to was my statement that hearing your answer would help me make up my mind. My question was, would you please respond to Polishpimpn so that we can evaluate your response. In what way was that negative??? Are you a glass-half-empty kinda guy? As for your "humor", perhaps it doesn't come across in print as you intend. I may not have interacted with you in these forums at all before, but I do read them often and have seen what appears to be sarcasm from you on multiple occasions.

    Now, to return to the topic of this thread, which is, I believe, to ask and have questions answered about the arena, if you don't know the answer, that's fine. Please just say so, we would understand that far more than being ignored. With that said, I am trying, as are all the other postings in this thread, to gather as much information before entering the arena as possible. Or, perhaps to decide whether I even want to enter the arena. In what way does that make me "afraid" to enter???? And you don't think that comment wasn't insulting?
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I just figured since every other question had been answered by developers who r not the "lead" that everyone else had been brought up to speed. Often times when my questions become a bit more technical they often go unanswered. Perhaps Im a just a sticker for details but I prefer not to just jump in without being as informed as possible hence the reason I didnt jump right in when the arena was introduced this past weekend.

    Its been been my unfortunate experiences as of late that most new content either handicaps the highest of levels in comparison to other levels or simply turns out to be nothing even close to what was originally said or thought to be. So with the ever increasing difficulty in leveling and and the lack of equitable rewards that should correspond with increased difficulties in leveling I find I must be even more vigilant in investigating new content before wasting valuable resources on something that might actually turn out to be a disadvantage for me despite all the time and monies spent.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ok....just to be sure i have this straight.....the amount of skill points one has in stamina and energy has no bearing at all when determining the percentage of SP which the "multiplier perc" for arena health, attack and def. is derived from.

    One of my concerns that I discussed previously with Dark stratus (who i believe is the lead developer on this)in the previous thread entitled "perks" is that high level players who needed to invest in much more stamina because of the extra XP needed to level would be at a disadvantage in the perk department because their stamina would eat up a much larger share of their skill points ( not much need for attack when all or most r in your rear view mirror and u need nearly 300k to level). You have stated here that stamina will not be brought into the equation where as he said that bonus Xp aka..."stamina perk"would be awarded for high this still the case? Following is a quote from the previous thread..................

    Originally Posted by polishpimp
    Ok, Ty for the reply

    I kinda figured this would be the case. I personally dont agree with stamina being brought in to the equation due to the high amount of stamina needed for the higher levels to continue to move forward in the game because of the high amount of XP required to level.

    The whole idea initially sounded great but much like guild wars and bounty hunting it appears that that the higher of levels are being handicapped.

    Considering that Im so much higher in levels and the XP gained will be minimal at best when attacking lower levels...I just dont see that as any real perk. Thanks but no thanks.

    DArk stratus reply,

    "The goal is not to handicap high level players with perks the goal is to ensure each build is balanced. We will add a stamina perk, so the greater the % of points put in stamina the more bonus xp you will get.

    For example if 50% of your skill points are in stamina you will get at 25% bonus to the xp you get from an attack while in the battle arena. If you had 10% of your skill points in stamina you may only get 5% bonus to the xp payout while you are in the battle arena.

    Obviously the numbers above are sample numbers.

    We will be tuning the numbers on the perks diligently so that all builds feel fair in the battle arena and have a role.

    Energy will not have a perk, high energy players will be at a disadvantage in the arena."


    The more i think about it......the highest of levels will be at a distinct disadvantage simply due to the core nature of the game level 1850 the xp needed to level doubles, the Xp needed also increases significantly at other times all but necessitating a players need to add stamina which in return lessens that players "percentage" in the "perk" categories. Prior to these jumps in XP needed ... its very easy to create a "loop" greatly reducing the need for additional stamina. It almost would seem that "perks" should not be based on percentages unless every attribute category was some how fit into the equation and or some how they were at least compensated for . The extra Xp mentioned by Dark stratus is at least something.....but I doubt it will really help anyone much at my level and it certainly wont do anything to help in the arena
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I believe it is a percentage of all skill points allocated so it does have a bearing, the lead dev will correct me if I am wrong though.
  7. Toker

    Toker Member

    So when I attack someone do I lose health? If so then when I attack someone I risk depleting all my health and being killed quicker?
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ty for the quick reply. I did edit my post while u were replying in case ya got the time to read it.

    Im getting a bit confused , as u said earlier that stamina and energy were not part of the battle mechanics so they wouldnt be in the arena either. As mentioned in my previous "edited" of my concerns is that its pretty much a necessity for the highest of levels to have much higher stamina (in large part due to the large jumps in XP needed to level), which would take away from ones over all percentages in the 3 Perk categories, where as those who have yet to hit the XP hurdles are much more likely to have far less stamina and corresponding bigger perks because they are still relying on loops to level
  9. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    now the perks are out , how are they interpreted are high numbers better than low numbers wen it comes out i have seen other players perk stats which of coures are different , but with is the better high numbers or low numbers
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The way I understand it is the higher the better
  11. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    just as i was thinking high levels getting penalized bcase the percentage skill piont as high part goes into stamna that is not counted, if stamina is not counted then the amount you have should be taken away from your total skill pionts and the averaged worked out from the remaing figure it should be take
  12. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Some updates:
    Battle arena help additions and clarification around perks.
    Player profile now shows strengths used in battle.

    Some things noticed recently in the thread, Defensive stance is not meant to be started with or enabled and left on for the day while you're away. It is a gameplay feature that should primarily be used to withstand and reduce damage during moments of high attacks.

    Yes avatar pictures will be shown in the arena, the fight layout is similar to the current battle page. Its on the list for phase 2 to possibly allow character selection.

    Stamina perk was sidelined for this first battle arena as having a tonne of stamina is an advantage in itself. Yes when talking about percentage of total skills, it accounts for all skill points. Like we've mentioned many times, we're going to let this play out review the stats and feedback and make adjustments where necessary before we start any subsequent arenas.

    Some things already on the list for phase 2 include possibly allowing a percentage of skill points to be re-allocated (only in the arena not regular gameplay) and other adjustements around skill points.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    @ Eric.

    If our avatars are shown in the arena then whats the point of changing our names?

    How is a ton of stamina an advantage when one can simply purchase refills and having large stam will be detrimental in the perk department?

    Are the percentage numbers on the arena help page our actual individual percentages or just examples? If they are our actual numbers based on "all skill points"...then my numbers are incorrect.
  14. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    eric for wat i can see players are getting penalised for having high stamina i compaired my load out with a lower levels , and i have over twice as much health as them in the game , but i also have 2 1/2 times thier stamina , but in the areana i only have i.8 as much health as them, so to me it looks like i am getting penalised for filling my stamina instead of my health but with out stamina you dont level

    FORT KNOX GBD3 New Member

    this sounds like fun. cannot wait till im strong enough to enter :p
  16. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    i can see were you coming from as this first one is the feed back one and it is a test , i would have thought top make everyone euqal no matter of thier level you would have started it like a freash game ignoring players levels and start every one off the same and letting them add thier skill piont that they win as they go along
  17. *wendah*

    *wendah* Member

    so are people saying that if they had known the arena was coming out they would have built differently for it? I highly doubt this. People build on what they think will advance them faster. Some chose to pour it all into stamina and health others were smart and divy it up where they find it more strategic. I'm tired of all the people whining that this game doesnt help the uppers. It's just not true, you would rather the game always cater to you because you choose to spend money on your character vs. build it slowly.

    In any event...if we are dead when the arena starts does this have an effect? Cos im sure i will be lol...and I really hope that I'm not already out of the arena by the time i get home from work. I would love to see this.

    thanks for always improving Kano, some of us really appreciate it. i just wish you picked a different start time :(
  18. Margaret Cunningham

    Margaret Cunningham New Member

    question: being bountied while in the arena

    Since a certain small group of players like to bounty ball other players over and over and over to each other, trying to force players out of the game by not allowing play (and Kano does nothing to limit this harassment)

    My question is: How does this affect the harassed players while they tryi to play in the Arena???? Can these bounty-ball players ruin arena players chances of competing? Since it is apparent to some of us that fake accounts are used in the bounty ball harassments that go on day after day after day - these "alt" accounts can be used as a spoiler account, sacrificing themselves to trip bounty traps and then bounty the arena players. Thus eliminating that arena player from the arena.

    And can this be done to the Arena players from outside the arena too? Say a arena player was eliminated and wanted to play the spoiler role in eliminating another arena player?

    BTW Kano - making bounty traps cost TRILLIONS for players that are being harrassed and cant defend themselves and dont have that kind of coin makes NO sense
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
  19. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    You make sense.What good is a name change if avatars show?Well,at least now we know the level 3000+ thats all attack :)
  20. bethranderson

    bethranderson Member

    I AGREE what's the use of changing you name if everyone knows who you are anyway .. LOL
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