Battle Arena Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, May 26, 2012.

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  1. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    @robb - you cannot join the arena after it starts. Subsequent battle arena events will have different start times giving others in different countries an opportunity at a different start time.

    Anyone else still having problems viewing their profile please write into support, we'll be able to look up your account and debug any issues better.
  2. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    i sent you an email Eric! thank you very much. :)
  3. Jean-Philippe Bacou

    Jean-Philippe Bacou New Member

    Same here, mail to support sent
    (hello Kim :-D)
  4. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Everyone should be able to see their profiles now.
  5. The winner shouldn't be the last one standing, because some people will just go to defensive stance so they don't get much damage. The winner should be the one that has killed the most or the one that has made the most xp, no matter when they die. For example, if I play the first 2 days and make a HUGE amount of kills/xp and then i get killed, and no-one else can make as much us I did. I should be the winner not someone who went to defensive stance.
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    That's a good point, but I have a feeling just putting yourself into a defensive stance isn't going to keep you alive very long. It will reduce the damage you take when attacked, but you will still take some. As of now, there are about 200 players that have signed up, so there will be quite a few players that will be able to attack you, and I don't believe that keeping yourself in a defensive stance will keep you alive any length of time, especially since you can only heal yourself by taking yourself out of a defensive stance and killing players yourself.
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    My question/statement is in regard to "percs".

    The multipliers are based on what players percentage of their overall skill points thay have allocated in "perc" categories (health, att, and def) correct?

    1. What about players who have very high stamina or energy....wont they be at a distinct disadvantage as it will lower their overall percentage of skill points in the other 3 attributes? At the higher levels their is an obvious need for more stamina as the XP needed to level is much greater, especially after the levels that XP needed is doubled.

    2. I noticed that the "range" for the "multiplier" based on overall percentage differs greatly dependent on ones actually percentage allocated to a particular "perc" category. For example...if a payer has say 22-25% of their available skill points allocated to one category, then their multiplier is based on that. The 3% range seems decent and will keep things fairly close and fair. But if you have a category where you have an exceptional amount of skill points allocated the "percentage range" for the same "multiplier" jumps to 50- 100%, that would appear to be hugely unfair as one player might have 51% allocated to that category where as another has 80% allocated but both get the same "multiplier".

    Arent the "percs" suppose to reward the different types of builds in an effort to equal things out somewhat? How does one play to their strengths if the multiplier is the same for players that have grossly different numbers in any one category? If I have 75 % invested in say health and am getting the same as someone with 50%, not only do I gain no advantage...but Im losing advantage in other categories. It seems to me as if the "percentage range" should climb consistently say 3% and not jump to 50% to keep it fair for all. Once again.....skill point allocation as far ones needs become very much different at the highest of levels.
  8. Margaret Cunningham

    Margaret Cunningham New Member

    Success! My Arena profile seems to be working for me now :) Thank you !
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  9. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    2 (1) questions time it starts Eastern standard time ?????
    (2) if I cannot be online till maybe 45 minutes to an hour after the start time, due to my job, can I start off in defense mode automatically as I will not be able to make that happen manually when the arena clock is at zero, all of that is dependent on what the time is EST
  10. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Let's see how the first one plays out. We tried to take that into account with the feature as is.
  11. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    1) Battle arena starts 12pm Pacific Time / 3pm Eastern Time

    2) All players will be available for attacks and be in defensive mode when attacked, it is not necessary to be online right when it starts. That being said, based on past feedback we plan to roll the "start" time of the battle arena through different times of the day each time. So this time may be 12pm Pacific Time, next time may be 1pm PT, time after that 2pm PT, ... etc.
  12. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Would be a good idea if not already to have everyone start in defensive mode as a default because many will not be able to be at the computer at the starting time.
  13. I noticed that most if not all questions in this thread have been given the courtesy of an answer except this one. I would like to hear your thoughts on these questions and observations as well. I have serious doubts about this arena innovation and hearing your response would help me make up my mind whether or not to participate.
  14. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    A player wanted to know if avatar pictures that we have in are regular game play that some players know us by even if we are not captains is going to be seen in the arena since your giving players the options of hiding there identity or showing it.
  15. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Throw your hat in the ring, what do you have to lose?
  16. Answer the question asked, what do YOU have to lose?

    Btw, can we get Eric back to answer these questions? I'm sick of Kendall and his sarcasm. Every time he doesn't want to answer a question, he responds with a flippant reply that is beyond insulting.
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    WTH kind of answer is that Kendal? Is this thread not for the purpose of discussing the topic and asking questions? Nice to see u can answer simple questions on time about answering questions that might actually help out?
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    no kidding....Kendal sounds just like Deltan did....any wonder how these threads get off topic or why players get pissy when all u want is a relevant answer to a relevant question and all ya get is either ignored or some flippant remark.
  19. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    1. This is a battle feature, battle stats that impact strength outcome include Health/Attack/Defense, stamina/energy do not influence outcome in existing battle mechanic and they don't in the arena.

    2. We have tried to take this into account as well as other issues in balancing out this feature to make it as fair and challenging as possible. The case where a player has invested over 50% of possible skill points in 1 attribute is not a common case, but that being said we are watching the stats and will adjust as appropriate.
  20. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I answered your question:

    "I have serious doubts about this arena innovation and hearing your response would help me make up my mind whether or not to participate."

    Honestly I am tired of people being negative for the sake of being negative. Players have asked for a battle centric feature, and the battle arena was our response to that. You can either throw your hat in the ring, since there is no buy-in and you really do have nothing to lose or else don't if you want to see how it plays out but will lose out on opportunity to give us feedback on the feature.

    I have gone ahead and answered polishes question, so could you answer mine? What do you have to lose or are you afraid of losing?

    And by the way, don't believe I have interacted with you very much on the forum to have given you sarcasm in the past, if you did you would know that I do have a sense of humor, if that comes off as being sarcasm to you I apologize but find it frustrating to read a post that seems the main intent is negative, which it looks as I may have correctly assumed as your second post just amplified that for myself.

    I am not lead developer on this feature, I had asked the dev to come respond as you can imagine he is very busy doing some last minute dev and testing. I was merely trying to help out on this thread. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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