Okay, I played the Zombie Slayer version of the Battle Arena and figured out the strategy that worked for me and came in 5th place.... Now it has been about a week, I missed the Battle Arena for Mobwars that is currently still running, but there are no Battle Aneas scheduled for Pirate Clan, Viking Clan, Zombie Slayer. -----
--- What I am asking is can you guys start up a new battle arena in PC, VC, or ZS? I have not much going on this weekend and would love to have played one of these tonight, Saturday... Over the weekend.
When is the next one being opened for entry in any of the other Kano Games? Maybe get one fired up to start around July 3rd - 4th as well because alot of folks will be off those days and will be able to play! --- Well, at least us gub'ment workers will be off....
Last edited: Jun 30, 2012