It is a fair chance for all ...either your there or your not. Its pretty obvious that the lower levels best chance is to be completely inactive under the current system, could be argued that the low levels would be foolish to be anything but inactive if they hoped to do well. The issue I have with the current system is that it actually promotes inactivity.....the low level players that are active usually are eliminated very quickly because they have to rely on sniping kills and you know what happens more times than not when that happens.
I think we can agree that the vast majority of players are inactive and that the majority of the active players get killed in the early stages. Personally I just think that it sucks that the few that actually do participate and go out and register a bunch of attacks and kills gets killed off by someone like u or me because they got on our radar while sniping a kill and finish at #235 while 200 other accounts that never even swung their axe finish better. How many of the top 100 are totally inactive? Im not faulting the inactives...I just think that active players deserve to place higher.
Whether a player is inactive by choice or has other commitments doest make a diff to me ....if they're not there, they're not there ....they can try and make it to the next one......but someone who does nothing deserves exactly that...nothing. I would prefer more active players and personally I feel we wade through way to many inactives but I can live with that as long as the more deserving players (active) finish higher.
But honestly I think that most inactive accounts are that way on purpose because they know its there best shot. Thats why I think Kano should tweak a few things to promote activity. For starters they should not show who got the kill shot...its promotes killing of the active players and low levels who rely on snipe kills, without sniping kills the low levels have no shot. Secondly....they could offer more incentives to actually participate by awarding achievements for attacks and kills. If i were a player who was usually inactive....I would want to play and get those SP XP or FP for those achievements. Even if someone only got a few attacks or kills before they were killed....they can still add to their total in the next arena...eventually they will earn the achievements and over time as they level and get experience in the arena they may very well have a legitimate shot at contending for a top spot.
Last edited: Aug 12, 2012