As you all experienced with the previous Battle Arena, we've been having performance issues because of some ongoing server problems we are working to resolve. We've recently made further improvements that should, theoretically, improve performance for the May 7th arena. That being said, we will be monitoring the arena closely to ensure that it's performing as expected, and will make an announcement immediately if we experience and further issues.
We absolutely appreciate everyone's patience while we work to resolve these issues, and we look forward getting the game back up to the level of responsiveness that you all know and love.
Please post any performance issues you experience in the May 7th Arena to this thread so that all feedback is contained in one place.
UPDATE May 7th: We believe that we have fixed the root cause of the performance issues! This should result in a quick and responsive (and consequently more fun) Arena. That being said, if you do run into any "hanging" pages or other performance-based issues, please let us know by posting in this thread. Thanks again for everyone's patience while we figured this out, now go enjoy beating the snot out of eachother!

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