[LCN] Avalanche Calendar download not working

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by starwolf1001, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. starwolf1001

    starwolf1001 New Member

    had to finish early today, to take my mom to the hospital, and tried to download the Avalanche Calendar Background!
    here : http://bit.ly/kano_jan_avalanche_cal
    but it says
    Something's wrong here...
    Uh oh, Bitly couldn't find a link for the bitly URL you clicked.
    Most Bitlinks are 4-6 characters, and only include letters and numbers (and are case sensitive).
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Here you go: http://cdn.kanoapps.com/kano/downloads/calendar_january_2012.jpg

    I'll work on getting the in-game link fixed up, thanks for the notice. :)
  3. starwolf1001

    starwolf1001 New Member

    Thanks much for the quick response:)
    mi7ch likes this.

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