how the heck is it possible that a level 919 can attack a lvl 1193 but not vice versa? huh? I mean, excuse me- am I allowed to counter attack this tick, or not? he keeps coming back and i cant hit him back? ????????????????????????????????????????????????
You can only attack 10% down which is to level 1074 so can't attack him whenever you'd like to. But after he hits you, he's open up to attack.
An attack or a punch from a lower level player lets you own them for 24 hours. I found that out the hard way. hee hee.
The problem with this is they usually hide, so you can't go after them after they open the door for you.
What I want to know is why players less than half my level are stupid enough to punch me (thus opening the window) & then get pissed when I hammer them flat.
What i want to know is why are you complaining about having an extra target to toy with??? Kill Em All LOL
Once someone attacks you you can retaliate, no matter the level. Just remember you will be on their list to.