Att Dev's Please help: New City, BA, Raid Bosses, Fight Weapon Drops etc

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Xipe Totec, May 5, 2015.

  1. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    It's really not that hard, just limit the exp that can be gained with raids. There are many ways to do this, from a limit on the number of raids people can do, to dimished experience after a certain numbers of raids.
    Of course, it will reduce the income of Kano in the short term, although it will keep the game more viable in the long run, IMO.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  2. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    so when is the new location coming out again?
  3. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    limit exp that can gained with raids? kano needs to make the game more appealing in general to random young players, thats it.
    ppl that wanna pay 100k bucks on raids on a weekend should be able to do it, why not, dont limit anything.
    also if ur so smart, why dont u found ur own game and do everything better than kano?

    JARVIN Active Member

    i heard 3 players are already finished with the newest location that was rolled out a couple of months ago, when are we going to get another one?

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Funny how people make comments referencing how newbie have no chance to catch the higher levels or new cities they will never reach - what logic do you use to function? First, newbies should NEVER be able to catch higher levels so long as the higher level remains active. It is not the higher level's fault that they began playing 2-5 years earlier and the time invested by a higher level should never be erased so that lower levels can feel like they have a chance. A chance for what? And there are so many contradictory statements made- first it is people shouldn't be able to speed level and the RAIDS ruin the game..... then it is newbies should feel like they have a chance against the higher levels. This game started almost 3 years ago on Kong and well over 5 years ago on FB..... it would be asinine to expect new players to ever be able to catch or compete with older players unless somewhere a long the line the new players were out spending the older players by a great deal. And as far as new cities..... new cities do not hurt lower players in any way so it amazes me the kind of resentment in many of the comments towards higher levels and their desire to have new goals and rewards in the game. But then I guess what else should I expect as most people today expect the rich to be somehow punished for their accomplishments and pay for everything while those on welfare demand bigger checks.
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I really don't have an opinion about this one way or the other. New locations don't help me because I'm not friends with those few players that can open them, so I can't reap the benefits. I don't exactly agree that newer players will never catch up to higher levels. Maybe not the top players in the game, but you can move up towards other active players above you. The problem is that if you don't plan well, you'll get your butt handed to you on a regular basis.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Mathematically, a new player should never be able to catch a higher level who remains active in a game format the remains constant. Unless of course the new player is out spending the older player. Just using random numbers to make the point and not actual numbers..... there has to be a point realistically where only so many levels could be achieved per day without using a script. Lets just say to pick a number it was 25 levels average per day between level 1 to level 1000. If the older player had reached this average every single day to level 1000, then between the levels of 1001-2000 it was 20 levels, and from 2001 to 3000 it was 15 levels, and from 3001 to 4000 it was 10 levels, and from 4001 to infinity it was 5 levels.... As long as the older player always reached this max number of levels per day without fail, a new player would never have a chance to catch an older player until the older player quit or in some way decreased their play in such a way they failed to reach the maximum number of levels possible per day without using a script.

    This of course has changed due to RAIDS (making the fact that the game has not remained constant) as newer players can now gain a major amount of levels that were not available to the older players which might bring a new player very close to an older player in levels in effect erasing the 2 or 3 years of time invested by an older player even if spending the same amount per day as lower levels gain an extremely disproportionate amount of levels compared to the levels a higher levels receive for the same investment. This is also compounded by the fact where an older players might have invested real money to purchase LQ items when they first started and now own 3000 items that at the time purchased were the best possible and have items with 170 attack and 60 defense, the new player 2 or three years later invests the same exact amount but now has items with 430 attack and 200 defense.

    Before the comments that follow are by the haters, I am simply stating a FACT. Regardless if you agree with the RAIDS, or agree with the difference in levels received by higher and lower levels as fair or unfair, or if you agree or disagree with the idea that lower levels should or should not have an advantage...... that opinion does not change the fact that new players today can quickly and much more easily make huge gains that older players did not have the opportunity to make 2-3 years ago and that $10,000 spent 3 years ago is nothing compared to the $5,000 that a new player could spend today with maybe the only exception being hired guns. Even BA favors a lower level as far as leveling since the exp awarded is based on levels such as in PVP fights and lower levels who have been spending and able to compete in BA will gain an extraordinary amount of exp for the same attacks against the same players as a higher level as the higher level gains less exp while needing twice as much per level- --making the bottom line, the lower level player can do the same amount of attacks, have the same amount of kills and leave BA with 4 times the number of levels as a higher level. Once again, catapulting the lower level through levels faster than the higher level ever had the opportunity to experience when a lower level. Lower levels can go from level 1000 to level 2000 in 1/4 the time as players who were that level one or two years ago.

    So I guess my post above should have been worded a little different as you are right, Jared when you stated..... "I don't exactly agree that newer players will never catch up to higher levels" . New players will catch higher levels with all the new changes that seem to come out and benefit lower levels; my actual point was supposed to be that they shouldn't as in "it should be impossible if the game was to remain fair to both higher and lower levels rather than favored the lower levels".
    Guardian Angel likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    The only way to make KONG 100% fair and everyone on an even playing field (not discussing script and mouse clickers which are something not legal but often times used without the consent of Kano) would be to make it not a FREE game or full of ads. Kong is a business and is about making money just as any business that sells you a product or provides a service.... one more time to be very clear... it is about making money. So Kong could require a membership fee where everyone paid a monthly fee and there were no special advantages and opportunities for buying fp's, items, or refills. OR there were ads or commercials for all of us to watch and enjoy that paid the bills and don't forget - no chances of spending cash to buy refills, items, or fp's for anything.

    Of course, it would still never be fair as some people have the time to spend 10 hours a day playing and some only 1 hour a day. There would always be complaints about times things started, calendars not being fair as only the players with lots of times could complete, etc. :)
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Raids ughhhhh dislike them ,period end of sentence, as far as fair, there is no guarantee that things will always be fair,whether it is in a game,your job,your personal dealings with people,family what have you,I do not see how Kong could eliminate unfairness lol by charging a membership fee, that is one platform, not my platform,but it would be silly to think that if FB charged a fee, it would make anything fair,or fairer , Fb is a business, Armor is a business, the game companies are business,if people did not spend there would be none of it, so if someone cannot spend , that is their business but to constantly hear the idea that it is spenders that ruin things,is silly, first off newbies do not have to even spend with the raids, a new player can hit over level 2k in VC or PC from one raid event,then until they hit the xp wall which is different in VC,PC ,Lcn, they can do even more levels with each raid event,keeping in mind how they are neglecting so many of features of the game,so they are weak.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  10. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    Totally agree, maybe high level players should have some compensation, but I guess this will never happen!
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    You absolutely have not got a clue do you????? I never said KANO should charge a fee or that it was serious idea or suggestion...... especially since I doubt even 1% of players would even consider it as a realistic option. It was more of an example of what an option might look like if people were looking for something that was "fair" which if you actually READ what I wrote, I even said would never actually be fair with something as simple as time limitations that one person might have and another might not have..... so I even argued about the idea even being fair at all. LOL But of course, let me guess, it is just your opinion?
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  12. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    actually, you can catch up a little, but there is no way that you can get up to the very top players (not that i really want to, anyway).

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