Ok so I am asking for a small change to Syn Wars to make it much more competitive. Currently Syn Wars on Kano/Armor is all about the top 6 syndicates being much more powerful than all the other "A" rank or even "B" rank syndicates for that matter. The way the point system is setup and cutoff points are determined smaller "B" rank just get pummeled on non stop all the time as well as the lower rank "A" syns. This is because of the reward points for killing a certain rank does not go below a certain point so its just better to go after the same ones that barely pass the cutoff point for the "A" and "B" rank, which cannot heal as much because less members or actually do not feed mains with refills from alts. Those top 5 or 6 Syndicates are well organized and have a full roster of higher levels so of course they are going to be the best that is not the point. The point is they all have a certain 8-10 syndicates they all pound on the whole time because they are "soft" targets while still giving a good amount of experience. There is no incentive to go after the other strongest syns because they will lose quite often and why should they waste valuable tokens when they can just pound on much weaker "A" or "B" syns and get nearly all wins and many kills. If there is an even higher rank called "S" rank then the very strong syndicates would be put into an even higher category. This would make it worth while for the very strong "A" rank to go after them and maybe take them down because they give a HUGE kill bonus compared to "A". Also this would keep them from beating up on the weaker "B" syndicates all day long because they will not get many points for kills being TWO ranks above them. Lets be honest, there is very little difference in total strength between a weak "A" rank and a strong "B" rank but there is a massive difference between the top "A" ranks and those weaker syndicates, like an average of 1500 levels at least. I would leave it up to the devs to decide what constitutes an "S" rank but I was thinking a roster of an average of level 2500+ with an average over 10,000 skills would be appropriate. This would put the top syndicates into that elite tier and lower the kill bonus they get dramatically for focusing "B" rank all day long and give less then they currently get now for killing weaker "A" ranks as well. The strongest "S" rank (eg.top 2 syns) would now have incentive to go after a weaker "S" rank (eg.3-6) for a nice kill bonus. Those weaker "S" rank would most likely still go after "A" rank to maximize points and so on down the list but at least the weaker "A" and "B" ranks would not be focused so much by a majority of the elite syndicates because it would not give them enough points. This would require more strategy and timely healing/coordinated attacks by the top syndicates because it will be much harder taking down a fellow "S" rank but I think the top syndicates would look forward to a much more rewarding and competitive Syn Wars and relish the challenge instead of, "Ok guys check the list of soft targets..... Oh I see the whipping boys are at 1bil, EVERYONE GO FOR THEM NOW!...." All comments and feedback are appreciated but trolling will just bump this so go ahead if you are scared of a little competition
Nah everyone can poach kills the same as the next person...25 players healing and attacking. 'This is because of the reward points for killing a certain rank does not go below a certain point so its just better to go after the same ones that barely pass the cutoff point for the "A" and "B" rank, which cannot heal as much because less members or actually do not feed mains with refills from alts.' So I play syndi wars and I refill from an alt lmfao?