a armor friend copy pastes his link lvl 1500 fory me, and everytime I click it it takes me to armor games, is there a way to convert this to a kongregate invite link to his raid boss?
Found this in Lcn forum posted by a Aapja , I will have to try when I get to a computer copy paste on a phone with Lobster claws is impossible There are several possibilities. The easiest is to past the link in a group, then people who click the link in armor games get an armor link and kong players get a kong link. Another possibility is to change it by hand. Lets say you start with a kong link: http://www.kongregate.com/games/kanoapps/mob-wars-la-cosa-nostra/?kv_kac=profile&kv_kam=user&kv_kap1=12138334&kv_language=en Step 1 is to replace the part before the question mark with the armor games link: http://armorgames.com/mob-wars-la-cosa-nostra-game/14870/?kv_kac=profile&kv_kam=user&kv_kap1=12138334&kv_language=en Then step 2 is to replace every instance of 'kv' with 'ar' after the question mark http://armorgames.com/mob-wars-la-cosa-nostra-game/14870/?ar_kac=profile&ar_kam=user&ar_kap1=12138334&ar_language=en Going from armorgames to kong is the exact same procedure in reverse. This has always worked for me, including raid links.
Im not sure you should have to go to these lengths to be honest - Kano let Kong and Armor play in the same portal - they should allow for the links to be accessible to players on both. Poor show. Lazy.
They are accessible to both, if you send the link via any in-game means such as a private message or a chat group or an Armada feed then the game will automatically convert the link based on which network you're on.
Did you send a ticket on this George, because we definitely had all kinds of problems with it - I dont think it was a "user error" on this occasion! lol
Hi mi7ch, I am an armada leader and I am often sent links via pm and need to convert them from / to, armor / kong and have along with other members of our team attempted to post them in our chat. If the link is send via the publish to message board or share boss in armada chat, it does convert to a working link for both networks ( most of the time), however; If you post the the link address without using the link options ( by copy pasting it )it does not convert. So sending a link via pm or posting a copied pm link sent to either the message board or chat does not covert it to a common link ( or at least on the occasions I have witnessed); For the board from pm it post the link as written and if it is on your network it turns it into a clickable link, but only posts a translated link as written with no attached link if it is for the other network. If posted from a pm in chat it messes up the post so it is not usable for either Kong or Aromor players and is not conveyable from the chat post when clicking it or attempting to coping it. There are also various issue with links not working even when they are posted to the board, WC job or armada chat immediately after a raid boss is open. I have in the past been able to talk players through invalidating the link and sending me a new one that I have been able to convert and pass on, but with not having the issue of my raid link not working yet, I have been unable to work out why this happens. I see players joining WC and job posted raids that are not claned while at the same time find that players are unable to join that are claned trying the same link at the same time. So I see a few issues ( possible bugs glitches ) with sharing raid bosses via all options. I hope this helps. Regards Phil.
Neither type of boss has ever automatically converted over for me, link-wise. I have always had to convert the link from kong to armor when receiving boss links from my kong friends via private message, & convert my link over from armor to kong when giving via private message to my kong friends. (Although, sometimes I'm lazy & just give the link without converting. Then they can't jump aboard unless they know how to convert it, hehe.)
As I said before on this - the fact that even one person has to set about changing these links between platforms, isnt good enough. They are supposed to share the same space, so they should be accessible to both without having to faff about.
and without making your boss public for enemies to get rewards from, or in case of raids take a spot and do nothing