[All] arena participation idea

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by polishpimp, Sep 29, 2013.

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  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    unless those inactives start in defense mode youll still be waiting out defense time..

    but inactives and frozen accounts or anyone for that matter shouldnt be entered in the arena unless they physically enter it.

    seriously free will violation.

    thought they did away with the draft decades ago.....

    if kano says sorry not gonna happen im gonna be laughing and everyone will know it.
  2. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    well I can login once a week to stay active..no problems there..so my account won't be force feed to anyone in the BA :)
  3. ben

    ben Active Member

    it looks like you cant figure out its ba not game play ba is what1 must join to be in it... any 2 year old can figure that out...
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    what are u talking about? changing yer attack strategy? The slider changed the length of the arena by 2/3. Overnight the arena was completely altered in that it now gives defensively built accounts a huge advantage not afforded accounts of differing builds.

    Forcing someone to join? Nobody is being forced nor would they be affected negatively in any way. You wouldnt even have to know your account was in there. If they only used abandoned or frozen accountsthen theres not even a possible moral objection...unless of course u are againt the god bounties as well.

    Angel...Ive played with you in the arena...I know first hand youve not a strategic bone in your body....you have no self control and a temper that dictates your play. You also have one of the most defensive built accounts in kanoplay PC so the now shorter arena helps u more than most. Adding players would mean you couldnt play in cruise control/auto pilot. Talk about self serving!

    How am i being self serving? I want the player count up so the arena will last longer and bring defensive stance times back to amore proportionate ratio to the length of the arena which equates to a leveler playing field that also promotes activity, strategy and actually having to be there if u want a better chance of performing well.
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Pimp maybe if you listened to her one arena ya coulda killed me even though i was in defense my health was so low all of ya coulda pulled it off.

    but you didnt listen to her..

    had you listened ya woulda killed me that arena.

    she has more strategy than you ever will cause she knew i wouldnt last.

    the fact i did was simply cause all of you wouldnt hit me when my health was nearly gone.

    as a result i survived that arena.

    but seriously now theres no reason whatsoever for inactives or anyone to enter the arena unless they physically enter it themselves.
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    he is only thinking about his own self on vc ba ... for he has stated before he dont care about playing pc ...
  7. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    His attacks on my game play dont bother me in the least....and is way off topic as usual
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ROFLMAO....shes a big part of why w didnt win more....zero self control. BTW...I think ive done fine. How many arena wins do u have and in how many diff games?
  9. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    Really?? not a strategic bone in my body...cruise control/auto pilot?? I attack when in the battle arena, well here's my stats..just to refresh yer memory

    Battle Arena
    Total Attacks: 140969 Top 5% Finishes: 5
    Total Kills: 139 Top 10% Finishes: 5
    Top 20% Finishes: 5

    as far as my temper..yer way off topic:p
  10. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    well i was so low those left alive woulda had me..

    1 of ya woulda gotten a nice kill reward.

    but instead no one would help her cept 1 other player..

    so instead of killing one of the big boys in there all you did was let me survive and move on in there.

    she knew i woulda been dead in there if ya kept on me and i knew it to.

    but oh well dont listen to the smartest you had on your team.
  11. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    ..mine you, I havent entered an arena in Joined 245 days ago...not bad eh?
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Thinking of myself? The shorter arena has produced exactly the same results for me...its just made it quicker and cheaper. What I want is for everyone to play on a level playing field and allow for more players to potentially gain more.
  13. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    it already is a level playing field.
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Not to shabby at all....glad we could help ;)
  15. ben

    ben Active Member

    no ... more for you and jj in vc ba i think thats what you mean...
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    finally it was said and you are right....
  17. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    lmao...YOU dont get any of the credit ..sorry....dont know who you mean by "we".....but again way off topic!!!
  18. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    Battle Arena
    Total Attacks: 56398 Top 5% Finishes: 2
    Total Kills: 31 Top 10% Finishes: 3
    Top 20% Finishes: 3

    guess "You" helped in Kong as well.... oh thats right "we" dont play that platform.....just I do...KMA
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ummmmm....math not a strong suit of yours? Weve won all but 2(larry got 2) that one of us has entered. So exactly what "more" could we want or get? pretty sure winning is as much as u can get....unless u know something i dont.
  20. ben

    ben Active Member

    we all no that larry and you and jj work all together... thanks for letting us all no that ty...math im good real good at...
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