Are You Human

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ParashuramaBloodAxeLegend, May 7, 2011.

  1. Than his will lose disability status :D:(:D
  2. Joe Bloggs

    Joe Bloggs Member

    I've managed to get myself frozen by just ignoring the little question while on the HL. But I ignored the questions multiple times, i.e. didn't get frozen on refusing the answer the first or second time. So there is some leniency for humans.
  3. Diva

    Diva Member

    No you don't get frozen, I tried it LOL. It just makes you do it over again if you can't answer 1 + 1
  4. Joe Bloggs

    Joe Bloggs Member

    Go onto the HL - click refresh, refresh, refresh (etc. etc. etc.) until the little box pops up. Ignore it. Continue refreshing the HL. Question changes. Continue ignoring. Refresh, refresh. Ignore. Refresh. Ignore. Refresh. Bam! Frozen for an hour and a bit :)

    Yes, I did it twice. Yes, I was frozen twice. Now I'm a quiet little boy doing my math homework when it is given to me.
  5. how many times have you got to click it though

    i swear i clicked the thing like 5 or 10 minutes straight

    didnt pop up
  6. Ace

    Ace Member

    It sort of appears randomly. You can refresh one or two extra times without paying consequences (happened to me) but I don't know how many times are you able to refresh without getting frozen.
  7. Joe Bloggs

    Joe Bloggs Member

    Not sure about the number of refreshes that lands you in trouble - I didn't count and have been in trouble enough for one week, so I'm not going to see what the breaking point is :)
  8. LOL sounds fun how about every next time get frozen for one more hour on top

    5 times frozen 5 hours go to school and do maths :D
  9. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    Can it really be activated even if your not doing anything if your online too long? I like to keep my game window open practically all day then check in occasionally while I have a spare minute or two. I've even been known to keep my window open when I fall asleep for fast access when I get up. I havn't seen it yet but it makes me nervous knowing it might randomly pop up when I'm in another window or watching tv or asleep.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I had it pop up while in another window and not actively playing....fortunately i wasnt gone very long and I was able to answer it and be on my merry way. Ive had it pop maybe a dozen times while stalking the bounty best guess would be around 3-5 hundred clicks. Ive purposely answered it wrong numerous times and had no issues.....but Kano must have figured there was no way a bot was that
  11. this last week must be hard work playing game Polish? :D

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