Allowing players to reallocate their skill points

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by juarlita, May 29, 2011.

  1. So you would be against any form of re-allocation no matter how limited?

    Is that because Polish deleted, then restarted his account? Had he not done so, would you still be against any form of limited re-allocation?

    I understand the desire not to be penalized for having forethought and strategic thinking when assigning your skll points. Yet would it be so bad to give those who had to learn along the way a chance to tweak their stats (within reason) to accommodate new information on game play? Not everyone was an experienced app player before playing VC, some players learned the hard way, after emerging from the dead accounts, that their stats were woefully inadequate and should have been better assigned. This, along with other factors, leads to a drastic player drop off around level 300-500. Something Kano has already attempted to address by raising the protected level from 300 ro 500.
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    So what your saying is....that some player who has played the game incorrectly should be able to become competitive with the players who did it right overnight? How the hell does that make any sense? What would be the point of of the game? Of course its the longstanding players who did it right that would take exception to this......Its completely disrespecting everything they ever did in the game. Your comments in regards to this...prove that u r one of the players that made these mistakes and your raising your white flag....fine...surrender and go play farmville....its much more difficult to F that up!
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Well,the high levels and the senior players,will be the majority against this.Games change for many of reasons.True,this hasn't happened yet,plenty of other changes happen.Of course,not everyone will like change.There is always,at least some,that will detest it.Polish,your post just shows you're afraid of this change happening.Far as your low defense working in your favor,that won't be forever.Most don't want to attack you,simply because the experience points are horrible.I should explain that a little better.The experience off you is horrible,to those with decent to high attack.If someone with lower attack were to attack you,the experience points would be much better for them.You're just afraid that your rivals,will lower there attack,as far as the game will allow,and then,before you know it,you will be getting attacked by those,that originally,didn't want to attack you.That is your main concern.You just don't want anyone wrecking your precious stats.With this suggestion,you would be forced to either,raise your pitiful defense,or,enjoy getting attacked alot more often.Prove me wrong on that one,Polish,that's if you can.Senior players can't control every decision that Kano makes.Seriously people,games always change.I can't think of one game,that hasn't changed at least a tiny bit,since it first was released.If the majority want a change,nine out of ten times,it will happen.You can't keep a game running,if you go against the majority most of the time.Sure,a few times you can get away with.Not all the time,and not when it's a major change that the majority wants.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    VC is the only app I have ever played for longer than a week or I have no sympathy there. In my first account I was constantly changing the direction I was heading based On what I wanted to do or changes that occurred to the game...its just one of those things we all gotta do, we make mistakes and we do what we can to fix em, ITS WHAT SEPARATES THE BETTER PLAYERS FROM THE LESSER PLAYERS! What is being suggested here will allow for thousands of players to be all very similar....HOW BORING IS THAT in addition to being just wrong!
  5. Ace

    Ace Member

    I agree with Pimp on this one. All builds have pros and cons, the fun part of the game is to give your build, good or bad, the best use you can.
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Wrong.I'm quite happy with how I built so far.I have no need to rearrange.However,if this option became available,I would definitely try a new type of build.I will never raise a white flag.The game already benefits the higher levels as it is.While I don't mind some of your advantages,SOME of you abuse your advantages.It amazes me,how lately,it's higher level players that are fighting,either,every new suggestion,and every new update.It's almost as if,all you senior players and high level,want the game to just stay the way it is.Games don't stay the same.Changes are always made.Might take years,but eventually,change happens.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    This is not simply change in any sense of the word. This would allow for lesser players to potentially catch up overnight for money. This is buying the game!

    Dude...your a moron...please stop pretending u know anything about me or my account, I run circles around players like you...its players such as yourself that NEED something like this because u were and r incapable of doing it on your own merit.
  8. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Well,Polish,answer me this.What is to stop everyone,even though very stupid,from starting over,and building exactly like you?Then,you would still have players all built very similar.So,what is the difference?
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    "Wrong.I'm quite happy with how I built so far.I have no need to rearrange.However,if this option became available,I would definitely try a new type of build"

  10. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I am happy with my build.I can show you my stats,if you'd like.I don't care who sees them.It's not like knowing them will help you.I'm not going to start from level 1 again.I still can't believe you spent so much,on your first account,and then deleted it.I will be ROFLMFAO,if I make level 1000,and I'm able to beat you.It runs in the family,once set on something,we don't stop.
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Then they would have done it for themselves...ON THERE OWN MERIT...NOT BY BUYING IT! It has taken some players countless time and monies to correct some mistakes....some over a year. U want players to now be able to correct these mistakes overnight. R U KIDDING ME? DO U REALLY NOT SEE HOW WRONG THAT IS?
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    The only thing wrong,is detesting a change,that will bring in new players.You seriously don't think that,this will promote bringing in newer players?A game can't survive unless,players are constantly joining.Who knows,maybe you're just afraid of new players joining,because some might have deeper pockets.
  13. Uncharming

    Uncharming New Member

    Kano did what they could to remedy the situation at the time, don't you remember getting a ton of skill points all of a sudden shortly after the change? They increased the number of skill points we got when we levelled or something. They remedied the situation, be glad they did and deal with it.

    Maybe they could improve the way you get points in battle? Have level as a more important factor in the equation. So if a person has low defense, but is a high level, that would be a penalty to the person making the poor choice to not increase defense because they would lose in battle, but you still would get good experience for attacking them because of the level.

    They shouldn't encourage people to neglect ANY of their skill points. That is the mistake many of us, myself included, made over a year ago with neglecting our Health. To all of a sudden allow everyone to shuffle their skill points would ruin the game and result in chaos.
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    U have no clue as to how much Ive spent or if i even did/ comments like this when your clearly speaking out your arse that make me lose respect for anything u have to say.

    As far as coming up and beating me...I welcome the additional competition, but something tells me by the time that happens I may very well already be working on getting my 3rd account in to the elite levels. That is if Kano hasnt run me off by destroying the
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  15. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Uncharming does have valid points.There is one,however,I will dwell on.Kano shouldn't encourage anyone to neglect any stats.As of now,there is two stats,that can be ignored,and there is no real drawback.Those two being,health and defense.Low defense is actually being used to an advantage,as Polish is proof.I truly hope,that Kano didn't intend for that.Heath being neglected is also benefiting.Low defense,for your current level,players,should take increasing amount of damage,plus,reward decent experience to the attacker.It's not the attacker's fault.Low health players,for their current level,should take damage based on the higher health player's health.I'm sure plenty will agree,low health parasites,are annoying.You get low experience off them,sometimes even lower,than someone with 1 defense.Counter them,and the experience still sucks.That needs to get looked at.
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL...I have no problem with change...often times I welcome it, in fact im looking forward to what may prove to be one of the biggest changes ever "guild wars", which by the way does not look as if it will favor the higher levels in any way.

    Do I think this change will help bring in or keep new players? NO! by the time a player would need to take advantage of something such as this they would hardly be new.

    Dude...u r really showing the lack of knowledge u have about this game...As u rise in levels the game and how u approach it changes drastically for a number of reasons. Its the players that start to evolve their builds earlier on that continue to be successful and its the ones that dont that u want to reward for being stuck in their antiquated ways or the fact that they ignored the warning signs or theyre simply stupid. Im done debating this with you...U have no clue as to what your talking about because u havent lived it....come talk to me in another couple thousand levels after playing under the current system!
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I know exactly how to play.I actually am very knowledgeable about it.Especially when,watching one of your family members play it for so long.You become aware,of what happens at level 1850,without having to read a forum.You become aware of how to adjust your build.I'm actually trying not to level at the current moment.I promised someone,that I would test a theory out.I can link the thread,if you think I'm lying.
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL...i couldnt leave this one alone either. Which is it? earlier u were insinuating I would want to raise my defense as if it were a disadvantage. In addition....high health has been extremely important and advantages to me in both my builds for numerous reasons. Low health players are easily overcome if u employ the correct strategies....I just laugh when i come across them...knowing full well they will regret their decision later. Its players like this that u call annoying that will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this re-allocation system. BE CAREFUL WHAT U WISH FOR! LOL
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Alrighty then....glad to hear ya got it all figured out my friend...I just hope u dont think that level 1850 and the other xp jumps is all u will have to deal with. I dont think your lying about anything...I just think u dont truly understand all the ins and outs of the game and the drastic effect the simplest of changes can make to the game and its players

    Go ahead and post your link if u wish...Im not sure exactly what it pertains to...but if its game related I will certainly give it a read. Ty
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  20. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Only way I'm going to post it,is if you think I'm lying when I say,I'm trying not to level.If you think I'm lying,I'm happy to prove you wrong.If you don't think I'm lying,then,there's no reason to post it.Obviously,there's more than just the experience jumps.There's also fending off higher level and bigger players.Becomes choice on how you decide to handle it.

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