Well,the high levels and the senior players,will be the majority against this.Games change for many of reasons.True,this hasn't happened yet,plenty of other changes happen.Of course,not everyone will like change.There is always,at least some,that will detest it.Polish,your post just shows you're afraid of this change happening.Far as your low defense working in your favor,that won't be forever.Most don't want to attack you,simply because the experience points are horrible.I should explain that a little better.The experience off you is horrible,to those with decent to high attack.If someone with lower attack were to attack you,the experience points would be much better for them.You're just afraid that your rivals,will lower there attack,as far as the game will allow,and then,before you know it,you will be getting attacked by those,that originally,didn't want to attack you.That is your main concern.You just don't want anyone wrecking your precious stats.With this suggestion,you would be forced to either,raise your pitiful defense,or,enjoy getting attacked alot more often.Prove me wrong on that one,Polish,that's if you can.Senior players can't control every decision that Kano makes.Seriously people,games always change.I can't think of one game,that hasn't changed at least a tiny bit,since it first was released.If the majority want a change,nine out of ten times,it will happen.You can't keep a game running,if you go against the majority most of the time.Sure,a few times you can get away with.Not all the time,and not when it's a major change that the majority wants.
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