Alright, brace yourself, big reply incoming here. There's been a lot of threads lately about this type of stuff and I know it's been a long time since I went through and addressed everyone's points - I apologize for the wait. I can't touch on everything that's been mentioned here but I'll share as much as I can or know about at present.
Ok, so
Main Takeaways (there's more in-depth replies to specific people below this)
1. You can expect a change to Daily Rewards very soon to give everyone more after day 7.
2. We are working on giving a reward for competing daily GP, but that might turn into some other form of stamina, not sure yet.
3. Location and boss drops should be updated to be stronger by the time the next location comes out in LCN.
4. The Pawn Shop should see an update this quarter to make it more useful and incentivize trading in your older Limiteds.
@BigPaul - I haven't done the math on this personally but I believe it'd take years for a new player to reach the new locations, even spending continuously on refills. I know the location drops aren't really valuable enough for you guys right now, and that is a major priority for us to fix going into the next quarter (Q3). The tough part about this is trying to fix the stat scaling and match it to Limiteds, so we'll have to run some projections to figure out what the stats should be. I'll get back to you guys when I have more on this, but it should be handled before the next location comes out.
In terms of stamina refills, we have been working on this reward you'd get for completing daily GP. Again the hold-up here is making sure the feature is balanced and won't have any crazy effects on the game, and I also would like to look closer at the difference between something like this and changing stam on levelup since we wouldn't have to build that new. It is a riskier change since it would affect each levelup, so it'll need more research into how it'll affect leveling curves.
@JADES I am happy to announce that we should have a change to the daily rewards happening very soon, potentially within the next week or two. What we'll likely do is run it for a week or so to make sure it doesn't break anything, so it might get reversed if something bad happens.
@S E T H I'd definitely like to see more people in the forums, especially more of a mix of players, so this would be cool to bring back. We've got some more staff coming on soon hopefully so maybe Mitch will have more time to commit to a project like this.
@jahrista Lots of things to touch on here. For raids, basically from day 1 the raids were intended to be tough to beat, that's what justified the XP and drops. Already we've got some people upset about how quickly they allow newer players to level, and I think if we removed the risk and improved the rewards it would cause more inflation in the game. I know sometimes it sucks to spend FP on refills etc. for the raid and miss a payout, but we don't think the game would be fun if it just gave you stuff with no challenge.
Re: old Limiteds, lots of people have brought this up too — this is another major focus for me in Q3, I really want to revamp the Pawn Shop to give people the option to trade in old Limiteds for some benefit. Main issue is making sure people don't weaken their accounts a ton by trading in a bunch of OK items for a few really good items — even if that unlocked a discount or granted you some new Limiteds, we might have to limit it in some way to avoid issues.
On banking, this isn't a legit bank, remember — you have to keep it out of the hands of your enemies, but that doesn't mean it's all clean cash that the cops wouldn't seize if you put it in a real bank

So we don't offer interest and there is a fee for keeping it safe.
Talking about the value of raid drops vs. money spent, or the value of crates vs. buying regular items... We definitely look at this stuff to try and make the events and crates good value. I don't know if I agree that the payouts are out of whack, but I will certainly make a note of it and we'll run the numbers again to see.
On people riding the hitlist while being chained and attacking, if people are doing more total actions than humanly possible, or doing multiple things at the exact same time, that would show up pretty quickly in our system. We're definitely interested in hearing reports of players who people suspect are able to dodge our detections, though.
Re: Battle Arena. I know lots of folks are disappointed with the way BA was changed. Very few people were playing it before the switch, which is why we wanted to change it up, but I don't think it's improved much since then. We're definitely open to revamping this if you guys have ideas for how we could make it fun for more people.
New achievements, we have rolled out some new achievements lately, specifically War Achievements which people have been asking for for a bit. I think it makes sense to keep continuing these as people continue to level past the scope of the original ones, we do need to keep them difficult though to avoid dumping a bunch of rewards into the game when we roll them out. In terms of the payouts being too low, I dunno, awarding XP for a GP achievement is giving you XP on top of your XP, and I think it could be made too strong. We will look at the payouts though and evaluate them. I think part of the urge to do these is the satisfaction, not the payout necessarily; making payouts better just puts a further gap between people who have them and those who don't.
@Gazember So Skill Points invested in Attack and Defence are basically multipliers on your item power. So if you and a new player had the exact same items, a higher level would be way stronger. The issue right now I think is that the boss and location drops haven't kept up with the strength of Limiteds, and that many older players haven't bought new Limiteds because they still have their old ones. If we can improve the stats and the Pawn Shop to help address this, I think it'll resolve the issue.
@Bocce We can look at giving out more Loyalty for length of time in-game, but would more access to Loyalty Items really be a big win? Is this something you guys all want over other changes we could make?
@Rhenkle1 Mel did a lot of work to make our content schedule more efficient and organized, and I think you'll see things come out on schedule more often coming up. I know this reflects poorly on us not delivering right when we say we will; it's tough because we don't want to disappoint you guys by not delivering, but we also don't want to say nothing because then it seems like we're stalling.
@Xipe Totec Already covered the hired sales, hope that made sense to you. The idea of special items that are boosted based on A/D is cool. Like I said, items are already multiplied by your A/D though, so I think if we can give older players ways to get better items then that'll help address the difference. Re: stam based on leaderboard, I think the problem (maybe already mentioned?) is that sometimes the leaderboard shows people who play in a different way besides levelling, and if people are already super strong and on top of the board, this would push them further ahead. We'd have to look into how awarding things this way would affect the curves in the game, but we can compare this to a level curve for sure.
Hope that helps clear some stuff up, guys. I'd like to fix everything, I can't do it all at once but at least we can plan for what to do next. Always open to hearing more feedback, promise I'll respond faster this time!
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