A Small Change to Daily Reward Collections

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    wait so i get how this is in place now. it is just to stop people from collecting more them a weeks worth of daily rewards right then why are you penalizing the people who save up a weeks worth of energy because a weeks worth of energy boosts saved is 340%. but i dont get why this idea is even implemented. i looked over what the daily rewards said down in the bottom and i have highlighted an important thing here it is-

    should be imposible.jpg

    so scince it clearly states that you are only alowd to have a maximum of 7 boosts why are people getting more then that. i think this could have been avoided completely if it was fixed and went to how it was supose to be only alowing 7 days worth of boosts avalible.an anything after that it just clears and starts your boosts over again instead of stockpileing them more then what it should be. it seems to me that the daily rewards wasnt done being coded so instead of finishing it you guys make something else for it, wich seems like alot more work.

    why didnt you guys just put a cap on it to where if you have 7 pending rewards and you dont claim them then to bad your out those 7 rewards and you start to colect them again
  2. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i always understood it to be where you could not collect more than 7 days worth. if i am not wrong that is what was first stated when the daily rewards came out. idk how anyone could ever get more than 7 days worth of rewards. i know i usually save mine for the arena but i have to make sure i do not go over 7 days Note: You collect all your pending rewards everytime you come to this Daily Reward page. That means you can stockpile multiple days of rewards to collect them together (to a maximum of 7 days/rewards). However, if you miss a day of play all pending rewards will be removed and you will start over at day 1.
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    so basicly what i am saying is why isnt it working the way it is supose to or at least working to how it says you can stockpile only up to 7. i think you should get rid of this new idea and finish how the daily rewards are supose to be, only stockpiled up to 7 days and if you dont collect on the 7th day then it will just resart the rewards back at 10% energy/5%stam.(wont reset the days just the rewards)
  4. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Right now the battle drops follow locations basically for levels they unlock, looking to extend well beyond locations.
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Gotcha, so for first crack we are going to do a better job at exposing battle drops and extending them past levels of the last location. Would pushing out more content like that, outside of locations, be welcomed by yourself?
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    one time before ya brought out more than 1 locations in the game why can ya not do that now to try to get it caught up ???
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Howdy Larry! What your doing is perfectly normal and to be expected because your collecting your bonuses after 7 days and your also a active player. The issue that is being addressed here is the non active players. The daily reward can be collected regardless of what you already have unlike boosts that can only be collected if u r less than maxed out. For example....lets say u just refilled your stam but u still have 7 days of daily reward to collect....you can still collect them even though it will put u well past your max. Inactive players arent using any stam/energy.....before this update they could log in daily and not play at all but to collect on their daily bonus which was always added to your total regardless of what it was. Some players were amassing insane amounts of energy and or stam. So basically player could amass countless amounts of stam/energy over time in mere seconds a week. Obviously this wasnt Kanos intent...they clearly intended the daily rewards to reward players for actually playing daily.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    If u dont log in your count starts over. players are logging in then collecting or simply logging out without playing to keep the count going. The daily rewards kept amassing regardless of you total. So basically these players are inactive yet amassing huge amounts of energy/stamina over time. Where as the normal player actually uses stam/energy on a regular basis. Im a fairly active player...but if i cant play regardless of my reasons for a week or month...my stam/energy is only going to refill naturally to my max allocated amount and then stop. some players are purposely logging in just to get the rewards intended for active players then logging out....this is clearly not what was intended. Can u imagine how much energy a player could amass over a few months of doing next to nothing? Then they could come in and rattle off of all that energy in mere minutes, level like crazy and amass mad drops for investing seconds a day?

    This is the only cap ever implemented by Kano that i fully agree with. They clearly gave these rewards to reward active players. Inactive players dont deserve anything...its the active players that support these game whether the pay money or not. WTG KANO!
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    sounds ok....but new locations are critical. Battle drops dont mean a whole lot when drops are so limited and we have limited players to battle
  10. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    okay thank you for clearing that up i always thought 7 was the limit and you couldnt get more. so i do agree with idea now exept there punishing the players who save a weeks worth of energy wich im not in favor of cus that is what i do save up my energy then use the boosts. so what they shoold do is instead of 3x the amount(already said why in previus post)just make it so you cant have more then 7 boosts at a times. or if they dont want to do that at least raise it to 3.5x your max amount so players like me who save up the energy boosts dont get penalized for doing it. but this idea works perfectly for stam cus you only get 150% boosts total ina week so it would take 2 weeks instead f one to reach the new cap limit
  11. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    yes thank you for clearing that up Polish.
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    7 days is a limit but only that it starts over after seven days...if you were logging ingfor seconds a day it never stopped amassing to your total. It worked exactly the same for energy as it did stamina, players could switch between the 2 if they wished.

    kano has actually been very cool with this update in that they didnt cut it off altogether...they obviously noted that players were going a week or so to save up for an arena (which means they'r hoping to be active in the arena...def a good thing! ;) ) or at at least recognizing that sometimes even active players cant make it to the game from time to time. They are still allowing for players to amass 3X their total max energy/stam. For example...if u wanna save up for an arena and your max allocated stam is 5k....u can save up to 15 k stam. Thats pretty damn cool if ya ask me. Im often critical of Kano but they hit the mark with this one while not alienating everyone in the process other than the complete deadbeats.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Your welcome sir. Hope it helped. Its players such as yourself that keeps these games alive. If Kano and the world had more like you than the games and the world would be a better place. Damn proud to call u a friend!
  14. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    ya but do you get what im saying? on the 7th day of saveing up for your boost(energy only)it wont alow you to colect all of it sence it totals out to 340% boost so now we cant save up a full week of energy . and the times i save up on them is when im nearing a new adventure. so the day before i make sure to save up as much stam as posible without wasting any. so i save up to 1400 and gain a level to make it so i have 1900 energy and spend it all on the new adventure with the daily boost then i use my reward boosts. and scence i make it so that on the 7th day of saveing my boosts i use it that day. but now i will be out 800 energy if i save up to 7 days worth of energy. so what i am saying is that it should be put at you cant have anymore then 3.5x your max total of energy/stam so that it wouldnt affect the players like me who save up like that.

    because as this idea goes now you can only save up on a weeks worth of stam boosts and not get penalized but if you do the same with energy you will get penalized scence you go 0.4x over the limit of 3x. and there are players out there who have way more energy then me and the numbers of lost energy if they are saveing up this way only affect them more exept if kano raises it so it wouldnt afect the players like that.
  15. So what

    So what Member

    iv e sav ed the 7 days for the arena but i certainly dont get 340 % booste in fact if u check u get less for stockpiling most only kick out 5 % - 50 % MAX

    SEEMS ODD ...there now saying ppl in arena get 340% booste yet they dont play
  16. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Just to clarify this statement is not true. Even if you have 340% Energy pending you can still collect this provided that your current Energy, before you collect, is not greater than 3 times your max.

    So for example say my Max Energy is 100:
    • Current energy <= 299 - You can collect
    • Current energy >= 300 - You CANNOT collect

    Please note that this threshold of 3 times your max is subject to change in the future.
  17. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    no you cant get 340%boost for stam only energy. energy gives out 10% on the first day 20% on the second day 30% on the 3rd day 40% o the 4th day 60% on the 5th day 80% on the 6th day and 100% on the 7th day. and stamina rewards are halfed down for good reasoins. and when you save up 7 days worth of rewards they stack and you collect all of it at once so for saveing stam boosts for a week you get a boost of 170% STAM boost.

    smack: okay i get it now you can collect as much as you want as long as you dont currently have 3x over your max limit prior to colecting.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2013
  19. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    this is a old Thread Poseidons
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