this is fir both myspace and facebook and the problem is that when we gain levels our max energy is the cap to how much we gain. example say i have 1475 energy and my cap limit is 1500, then i gain a level and my energy doesnt roll over and my limit 1500 but then if i colect my boosts i can got like about 200% energy for the week and then i will have 3000 energy when my cap is 1500. do you get what i meen. basicly is it normal to have the energy gained while levling up stay at the max amout that you can gain over time or is it supose to roll over. and an easier way of explaining it if you dont understand is sorta like when you have a phone servise with roll over minits and at the end of the month you refil your talking minits and then your left over minits roll over.
I know what you're getting at. I remember Kendall in a previous post somewhere saying they would possibly look into this but it would only work if you were below your max when leveling.
that is why it is best to be empty before you level or collect the daily rewards, then no problems , IMO
ya i usualy dont have this hapen to me but when i do im just like wow i just lost out on a couple hundred energy, it would be really nice of it was fixed.(i think it would be considerd fixed roight?)
I believe your original question about this was whether or not it was a bug, and the answer to that is no, it's not. You could, however, suggest this change in the ideas section to try and get support for the idea.
It's pretty much already in the ideas.
so wonder bread do you think the thread that lord put up has enough votes and suport to be implamented into the game cus i think this is one of the highest rated threads at 28 voters yet having a 10/10 still