Where are my Familia Earnings going? When I collect my Familia Earnings my cash amount does not change. I had 250M waiting for me when i logged on this morning but i noticed that it didnt add to the cash I have out. Now, I have never really paid any attention to this since I have the final achievement for Familia Earnings. So where are those earnings going since all achievements have been completed? Gifting.... I ABSOLUTELY love the new gifting pop up! When I check my alerts I see all the gifts I have received and accept...here comes the bug..If the mobbie sending me a gift has a wishlist their wishlist request will pop up...love it...i click on send gift and then.....nothing....hmmm...the screen kinda dims, as it always does when you are helping someone but I know there is a final send I need to do....oh wait...scroll all the way up to the top....there it is....grrrr....Once I make the final click then I have to scroll back down to the list....Soooo...why does that go all the way to the top...its a pain...!! Your assistance is always appreciated!!