4 day Calendars

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Vipul Bhushan, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. Vipul Bhushan

    Vipul Bhushan New Member

    Which is the way to the heartless ?
  2. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    Vipul.... give it up already. If you cannot see that people who spend the dollars will spend them to buy boxes and get more of everything from these things, then there is nothing anyone can say to make you see it clearly enough. They are fine the way they are! Geez!!
    Kirsten likes this.
  3. Vipul Bhushan

    Vipul Bhushan New Member

    That's another reason an additional round will induce buying boxes & maybe induce others to 'think out of the box'
  4. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    lol i didnt know sarcasm could be interpreted as heartless but hey, tomAto, tomahto.....have a peachy day

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