Separate names with a comma.
Eric - much obliged and thanks again!!!!!
Something seems to be wrong with the paypal link between KANO MYSPACE and Paypal itself. I can't buy favor points from KANO - yet I can log into...
YOOP - that's odd because I report people occasionally and KANO does nothing.
Jack - Bless you my son lol
Thanks one and all - I owes this to each of you, and the fact I have no life at all haha.
Gene - I was out of town and on a library computer - I'd just wanted to do the calendars - but guess I lost out on the gold.
Quite honestly sir - talking to you is little more than an exercise in futility. Pimp is trying to discuss an issue that is important to him,...
Just tried to access all my other apps - and none of them are working - ergo it's a MYSPACE issue and NOT a KANO issue. However - someone should...
Linda - thanks but that's not the problem. the problem is something that happens once I click on VC or Pirate clan - i can't access the game....
Oops I should say start the calendar. What if anything is KANO going to do about this? I'm out of town. And if I could complain to KANO it...
Dear Kano I want to personally thank you for having a bug on the game - to where I can't log on and finish my calendar. No sense in my...
Sounds about par for the course Gene. Sad how MS used to be the industry leader, and now it's a bit of a joke.
Craig is onto something here. A free for all section would only cause more hatred. VC already can make it's own without giving people a place to...
Can I join in on the fun Kel? And what are we toasting to? I have no one left to knock the snot out of (quoting our administrator) so I gotta...
Nice idea - only 1 problem. It makes too much sense.
That's the style Arthur
WB - I'm glad to see that a KANO administrator has taken action against people abusing others on here. I just hope that KANO will keep this up...
Myself and several others have gotten fed up with reporting problems to KANO - because all we get back is politically correct mish mash.
Linda - people with alt accounts happen all the time. The problem is that KANO really does nothing to solve the problems of alt account users....
Happy Birthday Dan. I'm aware that KANO does not like to reveal who has been banned - but as there is no legal precedent to privacy, and maybe...