Separate names with a comma.
Actually my dear Cha Cha - I don't misunderstand you one bit. Nor did I misunderstand Ben, or anyone else who posted. I won something that...
Cha Cha As I've said 3x both here - in another feed, and on the world chat in KANO VC - more than 1/2 the reason I won was you and yours didn't...
My apologies But I did not get full rewards. I got partial rewards, which again is more than fine by me. 10 favor points, and several hundred...
Thanks Mega - the pleasure was all yours!!!
Matthew thanks you're too kind.
Ben thanks for the kind words. Dutch it wasn't brilliant - in reality I likely only won because Mr. and Mrs. Blimp either forgot to play or...
Actually my reward was quite nice - thanks for asking. Of course Matthew if you ever wanna take me on in the game - I'd be more than glad to...
I really don't get how they determined you must remove 677 chiefs??
And it seems that I'm being horribly outvoted. Oh well - such is life.
Just out of my own curiosity - why are we spending so much time talking about gifting? I voted NOOOOOOOOOOOO for raising the gift limit in the...
Larry and Blimp: No offense was taken. And if it sounded hostile, wasn't my intent. I'm just looking at this from a totally different...
Wasn't trying to sound hostile about this situation, but I was trying to give Larry another way to look at it, a view which he chooses to reject,...
I was talking to Larry - and while the kill reward that you and yours and Larry and UVOD have gotten certainly wasn't the main cause behind your...
Well - one could also state that if I weren't there for you and your guild to kill off the moment my Defense mode turned off, you'd maybe not get...
Blimp - I think that Eric is onto something here - better timing of when the arena commences might help??
Thank you Eric - you're onto something. Seems that KANO could do a better job of timing the arena?
Well my dear Larry - let me try it this way - how's about I not play and then when you and Jill and Blimp and UVOD are not able to kill me, and...
Well my dear Blimp - as I've stated before - because of the consistently changing times of the Battle Arena - most of us really can't play it, so...
Mi7th thanks - tell them doing so would require me to buy more favor points (along with hundreds of others) thus putting more money in their...
I have thousands upon thousands of them (from all the bosses not just the Heimdallr)- the real issue now is - there's no sense in my doing these...