Separate names with a comma.
Dutch thanks for posting all this - it's much appreciated.
These could also be used when KANO decides to do something surreal like have us go back to worlds from ways ago to do adventures over and over...
Well said Mi7ch, My Dear Blimp, Das Liebe, Demonik, and Dutch. I wasn't close with Tim - but this is ultimately a game we are playing - and now...
I'm a firm believer in that someone is the champion of something until they get their you know what kicked. ERGO - until I beat you guys - you're...
Ahhhhhh my dear Blimp - actually may I correct you on the record here. MEGA and G Krom each won an arena or 2 or more in the old MYSPACE days....
Mi7ch we thank you for checking into this - it happened to me and one of my armada members a couple months ago. If it had just been me, I'd chalk...
Bosses Helped 74,636 I can talk about this and Elise is correct - its' about a 2% FP drop.
Valerie - that same exact thing happened to me in Armada wars in Pirate clan - talk to them about it and do NOT let Customer service from KANO get...
Eric - you're onto something here - thanks for posting this. It would be a great help to everyone to see all of the boss battles we're in.
Mi7ch - bless you my son and thanks for that. I could use some fresh meat!!!!!
Terribly sorry Maler, I will bash my head into my desk until forgiven. Thanks for pointing this all out. Not sure I understand the logic, but...
Matthew - I did change my personal load and it does work. My issue is not my defense time, more it's how people who are 15000 levels lower than I...
Well done Alsie - that's a tough thing to do. Nice accomplishment.
Elise - I've never really understood how that works. Maybe Mi7ch can enlighten us on how it might show that a guild member has 0 tokens but has...
Why thank you Jon, glad you agree with me and most everyone else on here.
Ben it's not often you and I agree - but here we are in agreement. I'm trying to keep this limited to the issue of KANO allowing people to act in...
Linda - usually when someone catches my bounty - I'll list them once and kinda forget about it. Most lower levels will walk away and say "I got a...
Let me also say this, when Jillian and Polish Pimp (aka Mr. and Mrs. Blimp) were in 1st and 2nd place and I was in 3rd, they listed me over 500...
With all due respect, what are KANO games coming to? Griefing? Seriously? Let us see here - a lower level trash talks (quite often saying...
OUTSTANDING MI7CH - we appreciate this very much. Thanks for telling us and for all that you do for us guys and gals who spend too much time...