Separate names with a comma.
wont make a difference im very good at bounty hunting so if i get a lot does that mean im usieng something ? it wont matter as big health helps...
Eric moving my mouse around isnt gonna help the fact that because there is a fast heal skull and us players chose to raise our health big time to...
i know from the original mw game that you could use a different browser and disable java or flash and set page to refresh every 2 secs so it auto...
i dont like it when you want to ride the hitlist for fun or to get more rivals you now cant very dissapointed alot of players like me raise...
of corse there been a BA kong is revelatory new it will take time for players to pass level 750
sorry i was referring to lcn where u can easily see people on the way down
this wont stop poaching at all, people who study the stats will see when a player is going down and still be able to jump on at the end
i find it hard to believe people are leaving the game because there tired of waiting for BA remember BA is relatively new and the game is not just...
you think because you pay for stam it gives you the right to the kill the aim of the game is to kill for the reward to boost your health it dosent...
some off the descussion on lcn is regarding the load-out for def and attack is it possible to have a tab to click to change for best def load-out...
poaching is definitely a strategy and because some dont like it they complain the game is about who's got the most health wins you kill you get...
i agree 1 stam attack is plenty hope this is not being implemented on LCN BA
poaching is part of the game and a good strategy to use, why should a person who decides to play that way be punished because someone else chains...
Please can we have a new ingame message :: Thanks for levelling me:: When someone eats bushes
i play lcn there and because its new its gonna be a while for mobs to build to level 750 for the entry level of BA but yes of course there will be...
Hey! Is there any way we can get a "That's it?" message in game? plus a few more like "eat my rigs" and reinstate the "you deserve no respect" thanks
lol protector is complaining already and it aint even had a chance lol
Just sent in a message so hopefully they aware of it pretty quick
updates seem to be always late out regarding changes, no posts mentioned this before the BA started maybe alot of people would have know and not...
i welcome many changes you made but like to clear something up in past ba's you were able to reveal your identity during the battle i and many...