Separate names with a comma.
Time Left To Defeat Boss: 1 day 23 hours 14 minutes does NOT a week make Mi7ch. That looks more like 2 days to me. Think on what you're saying...
I've invited several Vikings to help out - and it's not gonna be killed in all likelihood. I wasted alot of favor points and energy on this -...
Kirsten - did that and finally got to the RAID boss - now I'm even more pissed off - those things are going to cost me hundreds of favor points to...
Let me be as polite as one can possibly be. The RAID boss is the stupidest thing I've ever seen on this game, and I've been loving Viking Clan...
Does someone care to explain to me the logic of the RAID boss battles? We're told to go to N Midgard and do a number of adventures (no idea how...
Anyone at KANO have any idea when the new world will be made available???
It should be mentioned that I was once again banned from KANO Viking Clan world chat - no idea why. But it's getting beyond stupid.
Mi7ch - for nearly a year now, there have been more and more problems with world chat and what is acceptable and what is not. KANO support has...
SA18 - people steal kills all the time - in both guild wars and the Battle Arena. I steal kills from others, and people steal them from me. It's...
Mi7ch, I won't be here from July 3 through the next Monday - so likely any change will not affect me - but at the very least, KANO should monitor...
KANO - having a Battle arena on July 4? Really? That's almost as bad as the arena y'all had on Christmas Eve in 2013. Seems to me the least you...
The KANO PLAY Battle Arena last night. Well done.
For getting to level 16000 - well done Elias - that's a tough achievement to accomplish.