Separate names with a comma.
Eve Joe is right on here. You're sucking up more and more money from your players. Be careful KANO - you might one day wake up and see no one is...
Problem Toker, is that KANO is basically saying there will be a $40.00 favor point requirement to sign up and to win. Right now in KANO PLAY -...
Luci - the last arena was very good for me - I did 102 or 103 kills. But I try and look out for everyone if at all possible?
Black Ice, here's my issue: On the one hand, KANO instituted the guild system to bring people together (and yet at the same time start conflicts...
Gotta be honest, this is the 1st time I've played the Battle Arena since everyone's ID was made anonymous, and it's not an improvement. Makes it...
Thank you for that Elias, was thinking I'm the only guy bugging KANO about having a new world. Glad to see it's more than just me.
I'll be fair - Mitch you were kind enough to refund my favor points lost originally during the opening of the RAID - it's much appreciated. Thanks.
Mi7ch, I gave alot of help both publicly and privately. Help meaning telling people to NOT allow non clan members to attack their RAID, aka...
Earlier today - I noticed that the RAID boss I was fighting seemed to be adding to the health of the boss rather than subtracting. So I kept...
Get rid of them. Worst idea KANO ever came up with. And KANO's response to the RAID bosses shows they had planned much of this out before hand...
My name is NOT Nancy. But I am quite negative when it comes to the RAID boss - for the large number of reasons listed here and which I have...
I feel your pain. KANO made too many mistakes with the RAID bosses. Forgetting the fact they're too complicated - the RAID bosses have 100 other...
No Jared that would not be an accurate statement. I am beyond livid. 2 entirely different things.
FYI - just finished the RAID boss - and got basically no drops. Wasted 200 + favor points - heck I could have done better than that leveling...
Oh and another KANO screw up with the RAID boss - since KANO is allowing for RAID boss sharing with non clan members - what's to stop someone from...
Not to mention that lovely Screen Freeze is starting up again. Care to find any other ways to piss me off today?
OH - did I forget to mention that each time 2 people hit the boss at the same exact time, the stamina per hit automatically resets to a single...
Well then good luck getting past your tormentors!!!!!! I will grant you doing this boss is leveling me more quickly than usual - but at a...
Lasinagol - the experience I can get from bosses - and will get drops from bosses which I can craft making me a stronger Viking. There is nothing...
Not sure I understand the difference - all I know is that I've been waiting patiently for a new world - and KANO gave us this monstrosity instead.