I am sorry, but I had to speak up at this point. I play on Kongregate, as well as the other two servers, but Kongregate is the only one I have interest in. It is a terrible idea to throw all the MS players onto ZS Kongregate.
Less of an impact? What are you talking about? It will have a drastic and unbelievable effect on Kongregate. Our highest level is under 2k still (The highest levels buy their way to the top (no issues, just saying the average player level is far lower)), and you propose throwing in swarms of 3k+ people? That makes no sense at all. Talk about unbalancing the server in a drastic way.
What does make sense, sort of, is to transfer them to a server that has been around for the same amount of time, ie. Facebook, not a server that has been around for 6 months. Give your heads a shack please, and abandon that notion, because you will be screwing over all the Kongregate players. There is enough drama there already with the MOFO/GD/EVIL/TZOS/IDC faction wars.
Moving to kanoplay.com is just moving them to Facebook, with a different url to log into, and a slightly different interface. It would work, and they could get around the Terms of Service issues on Facebook by having their own login portal for the MS accounts.
They could also make another independent server and copy all of the MS players intact there, and let them continue. This is by far the best solution for keeping characters intact, however, it is probably hard on their end to justify the cost of recreating a server that was already dying to begin with. Even if they copied it over and everyone continued as it was on MS, the number of new players will continue to drop, and the number of old players leaving will continue to rise. MS is an elitists club, full of douchery and drama anyways. Even if they did this option, it would take time to setup, and in that time, more and more are going to leave anyways.
Choose a server to restart on, with a UN credit package based on Loyalty Points. If you have a character there already, you get the UN package for that character. This is MySpace's doing, not Kano's, get over it.
So anyways, either Kano makes an independent server for the MS players to be copied to, or you restart with some sort of compensation package. The former seems unlikely, the latter is reality.
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