It's been a blast....

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Sarah Hughes, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. Sarah Hughes

    Sarah Hughes New Member

    [Nom] MamaMcFister - Level 1283 Mechanic - Joined 623 days ago

    Been a pleasure knowing *some* of you... those people know who they are, and will continue to be my friends :)
    Been a pleasure killing *ALL* of you .... heehee

    Time for me to regain my life!!!

    Vault Balance: $5,064,377,758,102
    Current Cash: $2.233 trillion

    Am gonna come on and blow the whole bleeding LOT on Friday night, 8pm GMT... and you're all invited.

    See ya Slayers!!!
  2. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    ahhh:( you'll be missed...
  3. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Zombie Slayer will be sorry to see you go Sarah :( Send me a message into support if you want to share any suggestions or feedback. Maybe I can help?
  4. alka

    alka Banned

    I've been on both sides of the fence in a few apps with you and have found you to be a remarkable player.
    It may be farewell from ZS but I hope we remain friends on FB.
    Good luck with the real life, who knows, I could be joining you soon as theres no F in fun in this app any longer..

  5. The Alts, Bunnies and lack of kano getting shit sorted has made me look to another app. battle pirates. done by the same ppl who do backard monsters. its pretty good.

    As for Sarah, i think a lot of us could learn from example.
    All the best, you'll be missed by friends and enemies.

    PS. i'll try my best to play ZS friday for you :) thursday is a no go but friday i'll try. let the bloodening commence.
  6. So what

    So what Member

    [Nom] Real Pog Mo Thoin n Mc fister Rest sad wannabies

    Level 2831 Mechanic [Nom] - ReTIRING Joined 625 days ago

    its has been a head trip ( and more besides )

    its been a privelage to be NOM .....

    we have NOMMMMMMMMMMMED the world and as such its been a pleasure to play with you all ...ONE AND ALL ..........

    so here goes the HONOUR ROLL

    MONCHACO ......first one i ever squadded up with ...been a pleasure YOUR A GENT

    mama ....ohhhhhhhhh mama u made the last 625 days SANE ,,,,,ITS BEEN MY HONOUR AND LIKE A KARAM I MET YA .... YOU will never know HOW massive and you KNOW IT

    What are you gonna do Bleed on me TIM / gina (and the lastest nom to come)

    PLEASURE....hooted with laughter ....nearly got sick with all the laughing E P I C

    TRUE BLOOD .........MAN OH MAN .....WORDS fail me are a LEDGEND ......

    HERO....ANYtime on the kitchen table ...ANYTIME ..LOL

    WILLOW .....YOU are the true defination of a LADY ...CLASS all the way

    GANDALF ......babes your the hottest thing to come out of the netherlands....TRUST ME

    MATHAIS AND BINA .......LONG may you reign...LONG TIME


    ALKA ....BUD keep motoring ....soon to be the biggest gamer this game ever saw....

    JJ AKA HEY U WERE W T F ......BUD your merciless and full of talent your faction one and all i will stop to mention lady Vengenza ,,,,drag.... lil one and of course ...all those that ride with you

    PIMP DADDY .....says it all in the name ......weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    kilo mad as the day i met ya ....stay that way

    GAME OVER ...apologies ....

    PUTTY ,,,,,,,,,YOU ROCK

    TBH my first home .....PAULO ....( GENT) SASS.....BUD YOU ROCK ......B I G T I M E
    ALL OF TBH your fighting is relentless as is all your talent ...long may you ride the list ...cos ur all super stars.

    PLEASE dont be offend if not mentioned if your in my squad your there for a reason fought the battle and WON


    BEASTE ...your first have rocked my world ....definetly and fun..( insults aside ) you have stepped up and made the loreal boy YOUR WORTH IT......LOL will ya just get some more health ...your killing yourself.......

    ACE ...and the wardrope brother ...gaberial ....lads your too funny ....good luck

    phrosty / jannet ......all the best ...keep rockin

    thats it is comming first ....job ...nothing else

    FRIDAY as sarah said there come on unleash the cash and rock and roll

    to kano

    YOu rock .....annoyances aside are worth the un ..your game is superb ...and you make us all feel comfortable here,,it helps you react SERVED you well ...
    ( apologising now for beefing off THEY SHOULD BE LEVEL 500 BEFOR OPEN SEASON ....MY WORSTE .......WORSTE ARGUMENT should reverse it now .....)

    there you have it .....been fun go kill em
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  7. Jager

    Jager Member


    We've been squad, not squad, squad not squad a few times for the last two years. (And I did notice my punch deaths went up when we were not squad lol) But, either squad or not, good luck to you in your future ventures.


    ps. Please don't list me :eek:
  8. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Been fun playing WITH and AGAINST you both.
    Best of luck to yas!

    no freaking way I was talking about this earlier

    Anyway...goodluck Ladies.
  9. So what

    So what Member

    knew id forget someone ....bud YOUR A HOOT .......long may you reign
  10. Eh, another drama queen bites the dust.
  11. Andrea the Assassin

    Andrea the Assassin New Member

    We've been friends and then enemies...but either way, sad to see some people who made the game interesting to play go. My list of enemies diminishes daily suppose I must go piss more people off now lmao.
    Best of luck ladies, and if I ever pushed too far on anything, I'm sorry.
    Now back to the killing fields :) I do hope you'll get my bounty quite high Friday lmao
  12. Dream Evil

    Dream Evil New Member

    I have been playing this game for a year and a few months, and i never really saw the need to register here nor to post any comments. I guess everything changes... Including when such memorable players decide to leave. Like so many People have said... we have been friends, and enemies... we have been squad and not squad... but no matter what you kept it interesting. Thank you for all the fun, and the best of luck on anything and everything you do IRL. And Sarah... to a fellow fan i have to say Up The Irons!!!... Give em hell y'all. :D
  13. It's a sad day but will see you Friday to tip my hat, see you Friday in chatroom
  14. So what

    So what Member

    ahh sorry andrea last caress well you have been sport too ...friday is not about wrecking anyones game ...just a laugh ...and we will laugh with YOU ..not at you ...all the best
  15. So what

    So what Member

    will be tipping all over ya AS USUAL ....r o f l m a o ...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. So what

    So what Member

    APPRECIATE it...see you friday

  17. Its not them, its you punk. You've been one of the biggest punks in this game.. Its too bad losing people like Thomasina and Sarah and not someone like yourself..
  18. What can i say.......

    Sarah and Thomasina.. Its been a wild year and a half.. From the day i stepped into this game and was in UKK, it was face up heads up against you and your faction.. We have had a history and back.. But one thing for sure.. There was NEVER DISRESPECT.

    Sarah and me became friends a few months back and was a blessing, i got to know her and come to think the world of her and valued our Friendship.. You will be missed and i know we'll continue being friends and keeping in touch..

    Nothing but the Best of Luck for you and your business..

    And Thomasina..

    Im one of the biggest Spell checkers in this game and yeah you always killed me with it, but understanding now why it doesnt even phase me.. To being one of my biggest enemies to one of my closest friends.. Much Respect to you.. And at least i know i helped along keeping that awesome 0 Punch Deaths with my final listing of you before the changeover to ensure there would be NO PK.

    One thing i will always say.. You will NEVER back down.. Someone says something here, its automatic for you to fight back and defend.. And there is Absolutely nothing wrong with that... Who wants to be a PUNK anyways.. Punk out and not defend in what you believe..

    Its been awesome becoming a good friend to you and your faction. Much Respect to everything you have done in this game and **** all the Haters, Losers, Punks and Jack$$$$es that still play this game daily..

    I know we'll definately keep in touch and im sure at some point we'll game again together..

    Much Love to both of you and /SALUTES /BOW /RESPECT

    Friends always,

  19. Sarah Hughes

    Sarah Hughes New Member

    Wow guys...!!!
    Never expected this kind of response, was just posting here so as many of my rivals as possible could have the heads up on their impending and maybe multiple demise(s) :p
    I've actually been squad with most of the regular players in the game, at one time or another, and for me, it's always been "Nothing Personal...just Business" ...

    Unfortunately, for both the game and also the people behind the slayers, there's been a lot of personal comments/vendettas creeping in ... this always made me sigh in disbelief.
    But, this happens in real life too, so you have to just deal with it I s'pose :(

    Anyway, I thank you all for taking the time to come up here and post on this thread.
    It definitely has been a blast... and it will certainly end with one too, I know how to throw a party!
    Just Gimme a punch on Friday night if you think you deserve some loving :D

    Take care everyone, and if I like you the most, I'll leave you till last <3
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012

  20. Your "friday night" is a different time zone.
    What time we talking UK + USA time?

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